Dear Klaus,

Unfortunately looks like that what you need is currently unsupported. I
gave a quick tests and the WFS sortBy work only when sorting on property
names that are pointing to a root attribute, while specifying a sortBy on a
chained feature attribute seems to not produce any sorting.
A part from this, looks to me that even assuming to have a sortBy working
on nested attributes it will not descend automatically that also the nested
features (AirRoutLink if I got your use case) will be sorted.

Best regards,
Marco Volpini

Il giorno mar 23 mar 2021 alle ore 13:13 Bart Zwemmer | GIS Specialisten <> ha scritto:

> Hi Klaus,
> Thanks for the extra information. The problem is much cleared now.
> However, I don’t know if I can offer you a solution. The only directions to
> solve this I can think of is applying a CQL filter to the layer to order
> the output based on the net:direction property. I found a brief example
> here, that might be of help:
> ---
> Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
> *Bart Zwemmer*
> Technical Manager <>
> *M:* +31(0)642 343 9111
> *E: *
> Geo-as-a-Service |
> <>
> *From:* Gäbler Klaus <>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, March 23, 2021 12:02 PM
> *To:* Bart Zwemmer | GIS Specialisten <>; '
>' <
> *Subject:* AW: AppSchema: how to retrieve an ordered list in feature
> chaining
> Hi Bart,
> What I’m trying is to serve the correct complex feature for
> AirLinkSequence as WFS, containing an ordered list of AirRouteLink elements
> – see the following snippet:
> Featuretype AirLinkSequence (this is, what GS brings up as WFS:
> <wfs:member>
>        <tn-a:AirLinkSequence
> gml:id="">
>              <gml:metaDataProperty xlink:href="
> "/>
>              <gml:identifier codeSpace="
> >
> <net:beginLifespanVersion>2016-07-21T00:00:00Z</net:beginLifespanVersion>
>              <net:inspireId>
>                     <base:Identifier>
> <base:localId>tn-a.AirLinkSequence.108</base:localId>
>                            <base:namespace>
> >
>                            <base:versionId>2016-07-21</base:versionId>
>                     </base:Identifier>
>              </net:inspireId>
>              <net:inNetwork xlink:href="
> "/>
>              <net:link>
>                     <net:DirectedLink>
>                            <net:direction>+</net:direction>
>                                   <net:link xlink:href="
> "/>
>                                   <net:link xlink:href="
> "/>
>                     </net:DirectedLink>
>              </net:link>
>              <tn:geographicalName nilReason="
> xsi:nil="true"/>
>              <tn:validFrom nilReason="
> xsi:nil="true"/>
>        </tn-a:AirLinkSequence>
> </wfs:member>
> According to the specification the element “net:DirectedLink” should be an
> ordered list of AirRouteLink elements (for this we have a sequence
> attribute in our base table).
> Suppose the ordered list of AirRouteLink should be (according to our
> sequence attribute in the base table) AirRouteLink.715 - AirRouteLink.716
> (and not as shown above), I need a possibility to bring the AirRouteLink in
> this order into the AirLinkSequence (and unfortunately there is no primary
> key, which I can use!!).
> Here is the AppSchema for interim dataType <net:DirectedLink> and the
> <tn-a:AirLinkSequence>. To my understanding the ordering should happen in
> the interim <net:DirectedLink>:
>         <FeatureTypeMapping>
>             <sourceDataStore>dataStore</sourceDataStore>
>             <sourceType>insp_linkreference</sourceType>
>             <targetElement>net:DirectedLink</targetElement>
>             <attributeMappings>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>FEATURE_LINK</targetAttribute>
>                     <sourceExpression>
>                         <OCQL>property_gml_id</OCQL>
>                     </sourceExpression>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>net:direction</targetAttribute>
>                     <sourceExpression>
>                         <OCQL>direction</OCQL>
>                     </sourceExpression>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>net:link</targetAttribute>
>                     <encodeIfEmpty>true</encodeIfEmpty>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>xlink:href</name>
>                         <value>element_href</value>
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>             </attributeMappings>
>         </FeatureTypeMapping>
>         <FeatureTypeMapping>
>             <sourceDataStore>dataStore</sourceDataStore>
>             <sourceType>insp_airlinksequence</sourceType>
>             <targetElement>tn-a:AirLinkSequence</targetElement>
>             <attributeMappings>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>gml:metaDataProperty</targetAttribute>
>                     <encodeIfEmpty>true</encodeIfEmpty>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>xlink:href</name>
>                         <value>metadataproperty</value>
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
> <targetAttribute>net:beginLifespanVersion</targetAttribute>
>                     <sourceExpression>
>                         <OCQL>beginlifespanversion</OCQL>
>                     </sourceExpression>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>xsi:nil</name>
>                         <value>if_then_else(isNull(beginlifespanversion),
> 'true', Expression.NIL)</value>
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>tn:geographicalName</targetAttribute>
>                     <encodeIfEmpty>true</encodeIfEmpty>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>nilReason</name>
>                         <value>'
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>xsi:nil</name>
>                         <value>if_then_else(isNull('
> Expression.NIL, 'true')</value>
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>tn-a:AirLinkSequence</targetAttribute>
>                     <idExpression>
>                         <OCQL>gml_id</OCQL>
>                     </idExpression>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>gml:identifier</targetAttribute>
>                     <sourceExpression>
>                         <OCQL>gml_identifier</OCQL>
>                     </sourceExpression>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>codeSpace</name>
>                         <value>gml_identifier_codespace</value>
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>net:inNetwork</targetAttribute>
>                     <encodeIfEmpty>true</encodeIfEmpty>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>xlink:href</name>
>                         <value>innetwork_guid_link</value>
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
> <targetAttribute>net:inspireId/base:Identifier/base:localId</targetAttribute>
>                     <sourceExpression>
>                         <OCQL>localid</OCQL>
>                     </sourceExpression>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
> <targetAttribute>net:inspireId/base:Identifier/base:namespace</targetAttribute>
>                     <sourceExpression>
>                         <OCQL>inspireid_namespace</OCQL>
>                     </sourceExpression>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>tn:validFrom</targetAttribute>
>                     <encodeIfEmpty>true</encodeIfEmpty>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>nilReason</name>
>                         <value>'
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>xsi:nil</name>
>                         <value>if_then_else(isNull('
> Expression.NIL, 'true')</value>
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
> <targetAttribute>net:inspireId/base:Identifier/base:versionId</targetAttribute>
>                     <sourceExpression>
>                         <OCQL>versionid</OCQL>
>                     </sourceExpression>
>                     <ClientProperty>
>                         <name>xsi:nil</name>
>                         <value>if_then_else(isNull(versionid), 'true',
> Expression.NIL)</value>
>                     </ClientProperty>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>                 <AttributeMapping>
>                     <targetAttribute>net:link</targetAttribute>
>                     <sourceExpression>
>                         <OCQL>gml_id</OCQL>
>                         <linkElement>net:DirectedLink</linkElement>
>                         <linkField>FEATURE_LINK</linkField>
>                     </sourceExpression>
>                 </AttributeMapping>
>             </attributeMappings>
>         </FeatureTypeMapping>
> Hope that clarifies my problem and maybe somebody has a good solution ;-)
> Thanks in advance!
> Klaus
> *Von:* Bart Zwemmer | GIS Specialisten <>
> *Gesendet:* Dienstag, 23. März 2021 10:32
> *An:* Gäbler Klaus <>; '
>' <
> *Betreff:* RE: AppSchema: how to retrieve an ordered list in feature
> chaining
> Dear Klaus,
> I am not 100% clear on what you are doing. Is it a WFS request? In a WFS
> request, the SORTBY parameter is used to specify a list of property names
> whose values should be used to order (upon presentation) the set of feature
> instances that satisfy the query. The value of the SORTBY parameter shall
> have the form “PropertyName [A|D][,PropertyName [A|D],…]” where the letter
> A is used to indicate an ascending sort and the letter D is used to
> indicate a descending sort. In your case, the property would then be
> AirRouteLink, if I understand the question correctly.
> Also, id AirRouteLink is your primary key, this is not exposed by default
> in a service. For that to happen, you need to check the box next to “expose
> primary key” in the datastore configuration.
> Sources:
> ---
> Met vriendelijke groet / Kind regards,
> *Bart Zwemmer*
> Technical Manager <>
> *M:* +31(0)642 343 9111
> *E: *
> Geo-as-a-Service |
> <>
> *From:* Gäbler Klaus <>
> *Sent:* Monday, March 22, 2021 8:05 AM
> *To:* '' <
> *Subject:* [Geoserver-users] AppSchema: how to retrieve an ordered list
> in feature chaining
> Dear all,
> for Inspire we need to retrieve an ordered list of elements using feature
> chaining. Is there any possibility to do this in GS 2.18.2?
> The relevant schema is Transport Network Air, the feature is
> AirRouteSequence which should contain an ordered list of AirRouteLink
> elements.
> I’ve already ordered elements in my source table, but GS doesn’t bring
> that up in the AppSchema.
> Any hints how to do this?
> Thanks in advance!
> Kind regards
> Klaus
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