I am helping someone upgrade + migrate a geonode/geoserver instance.  (currently Geonode: 2.4.1 / Geoserver: 2.7.4 on an Ubuntu 14.04 machine, migrating to something current)  The current server has obviously seen a lot of history (docker is installed, but there are no docker images, multiple geonode/geoserver directories, etc.) It appears that geonode is run through wsgi, and geoserver is started through tomcat (not docker).

We have set up a few clean Ubuntu installs and have tried migrating the geonode/geoserver stuff to it.  Geonode seems to have gone fairly well; we can see our layer, all 2544 maps, the users, and such.  When we try to move the geoserver data directory across, geoserver will no longer run.  I am not entirely sure how/why it fails; tomcat basically no longer responds on port 8080, though we once had it responding on 8080, but the /geoserver url would not give us anything.) This is after restart tomcat after moving the old geoserver data directory across.

Basically, we do the advanced install, get everything functional up to the point where we switch to postgres.  We get that working also.  Then we import our database and do the 2.4 -> 2.10 geonode data upgrade.  That works.  Then we try to do the geoserver data directory migration (copying the geoserver data dir on top of the data dir, or moving the working one to the side and replacing it with the old one.)  It fails at this point, and tomcat basically no longer starts until we put the clean geoserver data directory back.

We have done this using the advanced install (not docker, yet, but would prefer to keep it out of docker if we can help it.).  We have done it with geonode 2.10 on Ubuntu 16.04 and geonode 3.x on Ubuntu 20.04.

Things I know are different between our two servers:

the old 2.4.1 geoserver data file locations are distinctly different from the 3.x locations (/usr/share/geoserver/data vs /opt/data/geoserver_data), and the IP addresses of the servers are different.  We did import the postgresql databases across, and the usernames/passwords should be the same on both sides.

The process for starting django seems to have changed substantially, from wsgi to uwsgi.  I understand uwsgi a lot better than how things are run under wsgi (I do not see how the old 2.4.1 environment was set up, and how the "paver start_django" was triggered on the old server).

Anyway.  I am at a bit of a loss as to where to go next, or where I should "begin".

I am an OK Linux techie; I can follow directions or improvise as directed.  I am not the geoserver / geonode guru, so I do not know much about the maps and system (though I can ask the mapping users about them).

    - Tim Young

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