Hi Everyone,


I'm having a problem using a PropertyIsLike OGC Filter in a WFS GetFeature
request when the data includes carriage returns and linefeeds.  I would
expect that the wildcard should capture carriage returns, but that does not
appear to be the case unless I'm misunderstanding something.


As an example.  The following Filter returns the record I am looking for
because I explicitly search for the carriage return linefeed:

<PropertyIsLike wildCard='%' singleChar='_' escape='\'>


<Literal><![CDATA[%1494 Highway 37%\n\r%]]></Literal>



But this Filter does _not_ return the record since I am only including the
wildcard character:

<PropertyIsLike wildCard='%' singleChar='_' escape='\'>


<Literal><![CDATA[%1494 Highway 37%]]></Literal>



First, am I missing something obvious here and going about this wrong?
Second, is there an easy way to accomplish this task without chaining a
bunch of PropertyIsLikes together in a long <Or>?


I appreciate any insight, thanks so much!



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