Are you running under Linux/Tomcat?

In the latest(?) Tomcat you need to explicitly give permission for Tomcat to 
rad the data folder.
It is on a file called /lib/systemd/system/tomcat.service

You need to add a line;
ReadWritePaths=<path to your data folder>



> On 20 Oct 2021, at 10:51, Steffen Reichel <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> after I moved Geoserver's data directory Geoserver is not starting
> anymore. When trying to access the Geoserver web interface I get an 503
> error.
> The GEOSERVER_DATA_DIR is pointing to the correct location. Owner and
> Access rights stayed the same. My OS is Linux. It seems that there is a
> problem with GWC. In the logfile I see the error (full log message at
> the end)
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not locate a layer or layer group
> with id LayerInfoImpl--fd40ab5:166e9af110c:-273f within GeoServer
> configuration, the GWC configuration seems to be out of synch
> There is a configuration like this in the gwc-layers folder. And that
> points to a layer that does not exists anymore. My question is, as the
> web interface is not starting and thus I can't really change anything
> via API, can I safely delete this folder? The documentation [1] states
> that these files should not be edited by hand, but does not state if
> it's safe to delete them. Or could I even empty the whole gwc-layers folder?
> Kind regards,
> Steffen
> [1]
> -- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --- 8< --
> The full log message - I added line breaks for better readability and
> snipped all the jar paths:
> WARN [support.XmlWebApplicationContext] - Exception encountered during
> context initialization - cancelling refresh attempt:
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'geopkgGetMapOutputFormat' defined in URL [..]:
> Cannot resolve reference to bean 'webMapService' while setting
> constructor argument; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException:
> Error creating bean with name 'wmsService2': FactoryBean threw exception
> on object creation; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'wmsServiceInterceptor_CachingWMS' defined in URL [..]:
> Cannot resolve reference to bean 'cachingWebMapService' while setting
> bean property 'advice'; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'cachingWebMapService' defined in URL [..]:
> Cannot resolve reference to bean 'gwcFacade' while setting constructor
> argument; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'gwcFacade' defined in URL [..]:
> Cannot resolve reference to bean 'DiskQuotaMonitor' while setting
> constructor argument; nested exception is
> org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating
> bean with name 'DiskQuotaMonitor' defined in URL [..]:
> Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is
> java.lang.IllegalStateException: Could not locate a layer or layer group
> with id LayerInfoImpl--fd40ab5:166e9af110c:-273f within GeoServer
> configuration, the GWC configuration seems to be out of synch
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