Thanks Daniel, going to open a bug report about requiring the full
absolute path (as that would be a regression).

I had a much simpler test changing the log location to "logs/GeoServer.txt"
and being ignored.
Jody Garnett

On May 12, 2022 at 3:01:20 AM, Calliess Daniel Ing. <> wrote:

> Hi Jody,
> I upgraded my test installation from 2.20.4 to 2.21-RC using the windows
> installer. Everything works fine, including the Oracle-, Monitor- and
> GeoFence-Plugins. I changed the logging configuration like discussed with
> the 2.21-M0 release (DirectWriteRolloverStrategy/
> TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy) and logging works like expected, but I still
> have to set the full absolute path to the log folder in the *FilePattern*
> option (however this isn't a problem in my environment).
> Regards
> Daniel
> *From:* Jody Garnett []
> *Sent:* Tuesday, May 10, 2022 6:13 AM
> *To:* GeoServer Users <>
> *Subject:* [EXTERN!]: [Geoserver-users] GeoServer 2.21-RC available for
> testing!
> The GeoServer 2.21 <>
> Release Candidate is
> available for testing, see release announcement
> <>
>  for
> a tour of what is new, improved and fixed!
> ·        Feature Type Customization - one of my favourite features has
> returned from GeoServer 1 much improved with ability to dynamically
> generate attributes!
> ·        A language chooser has been added! / Un sélecteur de langue a
> été ajouté !
> ·        You can now define styles for SINGLE or OPAQUE layer groups
> (each style can gather together the content and styling needed to produce
> the correct visual)
> ·        GeoPackage WMS and WFS Output (for WPS output we recommend the
> WPS Downloader extension)
> ·        Log4J update, along with Logging REST API and user interface
> control of request logging.
> The log4j upgrade supported by activity sponsors,
> ·        WPS KML input/output
> ·        GDAL 3.x compatibility for those using gdal bridge
> Thanks to Jody Garnett (GeoCat) for working on this release, and to
> everyone who has contributed to what is a fantastic update :)
> Helping test a release candidate is your chance to contribute directly
> providing testing and feedback on new functionality (and double checking if
> your favourite bug is fixed.)
> We ask everyone (individuals, organizations, service providers) to:
> 1. Download the release candidate <>
> 2. Test with your own data
> 3. Reply to this email (even just to say hi)
> Participating in testing release candidates is a key expectation of our open
> source social contract <>.
> ·        Helping test is the minimal price of admonition for GeoServer,
> don't be cheap share your time!
> ·        It also just makes good risk management sense; help making a
> stronger GeoServer
> ·        We make an effort to thank each person who tests in our release 
> announcement
> and project presentations.
> ·        GeoServer commercial service providers
> <> are fully expected to test on behalf of
> their customers.
> --
> GeoServer Project Steering Committee
Geoserver-users mailing list

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