Hi all,

I'm trying to serve a NetCDF file (CF-compliant), however the shape is not as I would expect. Well - the rationale is that the dataset isn't a true gridded dataset and to prevent multiple unused cells it uses 'points' as a dimension.

The shape looks like this:

    points = 292332 ;
    string45 = 45 ;
    taxon = 10830 ;
    int Date(points) ;
    float lat(points) ;
    float lon(points) ;
    float crs ;
    char AphiaID(taxon, string45) ;
    char Taxon_Name(taxon, string45) ;
    byte Pres_abs(taxon, points) ;

I can't import this in Geoserver:

"Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to create envelope for this dataset     at org.geotools.imageio.netcdf.NetCDFImageReader.setInput(NetCDFImageReader.java:307)     at java.desktop/javax.imageio.ImageReader.setInput(ImageReader.java:380)     at org.geotools.coverage.io.netcdf.NetCDFAccess.<init>(NetCDFAccess.java:119)
    ... 152 more"

Is it related to the taxon dimension which is basically non-numerical or should points be reshaped in a time/lat/lon structure? (which will make this file very very large, as the points have not that many lats/lons/dates in common)

On the other hand - points x taxon = 3165955560 values in the Pres_abs variable - which is larger than 2^31-1 (and that is the maximum value for an array in a java application) Before I dive into converting the points dimension to lat/lon/time I would like to know if someone managed to serve a quite large NetCDF into Geoserver.

Happy to read your ideas/help on this.

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