If I remember correctly, geotools.tile was either added about mid-way  
through my project, or I only found about it then.  By that point, I  
had bits of JTileCache already written, and was reluctant to switch  
over.  In retrospect, I shouldn't have been that short-sighted.

Another reusability area is generic caching-- in an ideal world, all  
the Java caching libraries would provide a java.util.Map interface,  
and everything would be perfectly reusable.  But, most of them don't  
offer any sort of standard interface.  Plus, there is some need to  
have a larger cache interface for operations such as setting expire  
times, gathering performance statistics, and so on.  This is a problem  
that I would like to see addressed at a larger level-- something like  
the Commons Logging equivalent for caching.  Apache Commons  contains  
a cache project, but it is dormant.

Out of curiosity, are you looking to use the persistent HashTable for  
GeoWebCache?  (If so, I'm not sure I that follow.)

-- Chris Whitney

On Mar 1, 2008, at 12:42 PM, Arne Kepp wrote:

> I need to look more into this, probably after I get 0.7 out (not the  
> 0.7
> still advertised on the website).
> Note that, unlike JTileCache, GeoWebCache stores the tiles as  
> compressed
> images in the format you want to return, so most of the work is  
> figuring
> out what the correct cache key is for a given request and then how to
> get that from the backend. I had to pull JAI out right before 0.6
> because I had some problems with it. But it's only three lines in the
> code (slicing up tiles), and wasn't that important since it saves
> milliseconds after a WMS request that typically takes several seconds
> anyway.
> I wrote a few lines on how GeoWebCache (currently) works,  short and
> subject to change, but hopefully a starting point for further
> inquiries:  http://geowebcache.org/trac/wiki/developers/overview
> -Arne
> ps. If anyone knows of a good and simple persistent hashtable,  
> suitable
> for storing PNGs and the likes to a file, please let me know :)
> Simone Giannecchini wrote:
>> Here you have a few thoughts that I have been giving to three topics
>> which may be seems different but which I would like to reconcile at
>> least at the tilecache level
>> 1>geoweb cache
>> 2>geotools tile
>> 3>geotools internal overviews management (yeah I am talking about
>> wither reusing overviews when you have them or about generating them
>> on the fly using JAI and persisting them to disk when you don't have
>> them)
>> The goal in my mind would be unifying the tile cache management for
>> the three different things into only one. I have done some work in
>> this direction in the past but for medical imaging and for speed  
>> limit
>> enforcement cameras (yeah, don't spread the word out there :-) ). I
>> have played while at foss4g with small parts of this code and tried  
>> to
>> integrate them in uDig and the difference in performances is pretty
>> big
>> I already talked a little bit to arne just to try and understand how
>> geowebcache works (even because we plan on using it). I think it  
>> would
>> be great to have some documentation on how geowebcache works (I don't
>> know if it already exists :-) ).
>> Simone.
>> On Sat, Mar 1, 2008 at 12:41 PM, Chris Holmes  
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> Interesting, I didn't realize that org.geotools.tile exists.
>>> It might be really good to reconcile the implementation in  
>>> geotools with
>>> what Arne's done in GeoWebCache, so we can reuse code.  All our  
>>> work we
>>> like to get in geotools if there's the potential for wider reuse,  
>>> but I
>>> wasn't aware there was already work done on this.  I'm not sure if  
>>> it's
>>> appropriate to reuse everything, but it'd be nice to at least use  
>>> the
>>> same code to access alternate tile servers.  Also note that we've  
>>> got
>>> 'metaTiling' code in GeoWebCache, leveraging JAI, which can make for
>>> some nicer looking tiles.  Arne should be able to tell you more and
>>> figure out how best to collaborate.
>>> best regards,
>>> Chris
>>> Jody Garnett wrote:
>>>> Sounds good, I am the module maintainer for unsupported/tile if  
>>>> you have
>>>> any questions please ask.
>>>> You should find the code base organized to allow:
>>>> - alternate TileCache implementations to be substituted (although
>>>> perhaps we need to make a plug-in mechanism?)
>>>> - additional "tile" servers
>>>> We may find it worthwhile to talk to the JAI Gurus on this list  
>>>> at a
>>>> later stage - they could hook us up with the JAI Tile Cache etc...
>>>> In the broader scheme of things we should make a specific MapLayer
>>>> implementation for the MapContext data structure and allow
>>>> the GeoTools renderer to make use of these services.
>>>> For my part I would like to make a implementation that talks to  
>>>> MapGuide
>>>> Open Source; so GeoServer could hang out the front end and offer  
>>>> a good
>>>> WMS implementations on top of it.
>>>> Jody
>>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>>> the module org.geotools.tile currently has an implementation for
>>>>> accessing the NASA World Wind server and an implementation of a
>>>>> SimpleTileCache, which caches only the result of the last query.
>>>>> We would like to add support for WMS-C [1]. Server  
>>>>> implementations are
>>>>> available from MetaCarta [2] or from GeoWebCache [3].
>>>>> Additionally we want to create at least two tile cache  
>>>>> implementations
>>>>> (MemoryTileCache and DiskTileCache). It should be possible to  
>>>>> configure
>>>>> the size of the cache (number of tiles to be cached) and to plug- 
>>>>> in a
>>>>> cache algorithm like Least Recently Used, Least Frequently Used,  
>>>>> or
>>>>> maybe Adaptive Replacement Cache. Caches can be used in a cache
>>>>> hierarchy.
>>>>> Are there currently and other activities in that area that we  
>>>>> should be
>>>>> aware of? Are there any ideas oder suggestions from you?
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>>  Holger
>>>>> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/WMS_Tiling_Client_Recommendation
>>>>> [2] http://www.tilecache.org/
>>>>> [3] http://geowebcache.org/
>>>>> ---
>>>>> Holger Jaekel
>>>>> phone: +49 (89) 121528-75    mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>> fax:   +49 (89) 121528-79    http://www.gaf.de
>>>>> GAF AG     Arnulfstr. 197     80634 Muenchen     Germany
>>>>> Vorstand: Dr. Peter Volk, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender: Marcello  
>>>>> Maranesi
>>>>> Amtsgericht Muenchen HRB 140 509, Firmensitz: Muenchen
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