On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 7:05 PM, Adrian Custer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, 2008-06-25 at 18:06 +0200, Simone Giannecchini wrote:
>> On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 5:58 PM, Martin Desruisseaux
>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> > Simone Giannecchini a écrit :
>> >>
>> >> My main concern with using JAXB and its annotations is that it make
>> >> hard if not impossible to use others technologies like hibernate which
>> >> can use annotations themselves.
>> >
>> > As stated in an earlier email, annotations are fully qualified constructs
>> > like any Java classes. JAXB annotations can not conflict with Hibernate
>> > annotations even if they have the same name, because they live in different
>> > packages.
>> >
>> > Nothing prevent us from putting JAXB + Hibernate annotations on the same
>> > classes.
>> I have never tried to use different annotations sets on the same
>> classes, so I have to trust you here.
>> Nevertheless, having two different sets of annotations on the same
>> file looks a bit messy to me and this is one of the reasons why I
>> would rather avoid to add any if possible.
> Hey,
> This is *not* a valid argument.

Since when you are the *judge* of what's valid and what's not?
Did you ever consider the possibility of you not being right ?

> We have on one hand "We want to improve
> GeoTools by doing xxxx" and on the other "No because that looks messy to
> me".

Yeah, so? It is messy and a pain for people who to extend the same
code, then I don't like this solution. Don't worry, I'll leave with
the fact that you don't like my objection.

> That's much too weak an argument to be serious.

You are free to disagree with my opinion but it is very from from
being week and non serious (as usual I don't understand if you are
joking or you have problems to relate to diverse opinions, but, hey,
the world is full of strange people!)

If  we annotate classes we make quite hard for developers who want to
extend geotools to use another annotation scheme and frankly this is a
^^strong^^ and ##valid## argument.
Btw, this is one of the objections that jody and aaime put forward
hence I am surprised that it has suddenly become this weak.
Anyway, as I said, I would prefer an alternative if possible.

> So let's get back to real issues and figure out if there are any actual
> reasons that anyone has to stop this work. Would more annotations stop
> anyone from getting their work done, products delivered, services built?
> If so, why and how?
> If we cannot come up with a concrete set of reasons to prevent this
> work, I don't think we have any place to tell Martin not to build the
> code he wants to build, especially not in the modules he maintains.

This is opinable (or probably week and non serious). We are talking
about core modules which impact the work of all the other developers,
hence I don't think we should just say "do what you want it's your
module" because that work in a way or another will affect everybody.
Of course this is my opinion, and you are free to ignore it/think
that's not serious/start flame/think that it is week, I'll try to
beare with that.


> I'm
> personally an ecological modeler at heart and so EMF seems like more fun
> to me if I had to choose technology to learn. But if Martin wants to
> write JAXB, and that doesn't interfere with anyone, well more power to
> him, no?
> Concrete issues we can fix, abstract rejections we cannot,
> --adrian

Eng. Simone Giannecchini
President /CEO GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Carignoni 51
55041 Camaiore (LU)

phone: +39 0584983027
fax: +39 0584983027
mob: +39 333 8128928



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