Hi all,

A few days ago I asked about how to implement a coverage defined on a
mathematical function on the users' list. Simone and Martin replied
with info about using JAI's ImageFunction directly or indirectly -
this was a big help.

Sometime soon I'll have a need for a leaner (in terms of overhead)
approach.  I am working on a simulation where entities move within a
landscape, their movements being influenced by local resources,
hazards etc.  I want to provide for resource coverages where value is
defined by a mathematical function, the inputs to which may be
position and/or time and/or spatial relationship with features (sens
lat) in other coverages.

Frequently, resource value will only be queried over a tiny fraction
of the total extent of a coverage.  In such cases I'm worried that
there is a large redundant overhead in creating a large image with JAI
to back the coverage.

One approach to this would be a type of coverage based on a
mathematical function (passed to its constructor perhaps).  It would
use lazy instantiation so that the function would only be parsed into
some efficiently runnable form (an AST perhaps) when the coverage is
first queried for a value.  There would be some facility to create a
backing image for cases where it is known a priori that a large number
of locations will be queried.

Does this sound like it would have any general use ?  If so, I would
be happy to being hacking it as an unsupported module - I'll be doing
it for my own app anyway.

I'd be very grateful for any comments, tips on related work already
happening etc.


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