There should be no reason to port the feature model; that has been done. 
The classes were simplified a bit from what you are looking at (any 
helper methods were removed for example); and some of the methods were 
renamed based on user feedback after the FOSS4G2007 code sprint.

Other comments inline.
Ben Caradoc-Davies wrote:
> Jody and Gabriel,
> I have a few questions about the ISO Feature Model implementation 
> (community-schemas/fm). I am porting it to trunk, and therefore GeoAPI 
> 2.2 (from 2.1). I have picked through Justin and Jody's comments on 
> the GeoAPI wiki, but not all is clear.
> (1) TypeFactory is gone. It did look rather nasty. Is there a suitable 
> replacement, or is this interface now disowned by GeoAPI?
FeatureTypeFactory and FeatureFactory exist as I understand it.
> (2) FeatureCollection is gone. I assume the replacement is 
> Collection<Feature>? If so, where where does metadata for a collection 
> live, now that FeatureCollectionType is no more? If FeatureCollection 
> is meant to become Collection<Feature>, we will, because of type 
> erasure, have lost the capability to do "instanceof 
> FeatureCollection", not to mention "instanceof FeatureCollectionType". 
> This will cause some code to be unimplementable.
FeatureCollection is gone after a conversation with Bryce on the GeoAPI 
list. Apparently FeatureCollection is not a construct supported by the 
ISO Model. We have some implementation problems with Collection<Feature> 
as it does not support streaming; while we could get away with that for 
Java 1.4 code the Java 5 "for each" syntax has rendered it a lost cause.

See proposal pages on the topic for details.

The OGC concept of a FeatureCollection could actually be represented as 
a Fetaure with a "memberOf" Association with multiplicity 0..*. It has 
the same descriptive ability and is more in keeping with the the goals...
> (3) And what happens to all the sundry collection classes in 
> or.geotools.feature.iso.collection?
Kill em. See above.
> I can, of course, use the concrete classes to get things going, but it 
> would be nice to do things properly. Is there a GeoAPI migration guide 
> (other than the front page of the wiki)? Many of the changes are 
> straightforward, but a few are cryptic and would benefit from a guide.
Not sure I understand? The the last official GeoAPI release did not have 
the constructs you are working with; they had something very similar to 
the SimpleFeature api you see before you.
> Any suggestions or recommendations, particularly on how to handle 
> collections, would be appreciated.
Can I ask you to come up with a concrete example with names that mean 
something to you? We will probably want to talk this one through on the 
email list here ....


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