In the next month or two I'd like to attempt to add some support for
reprojection of vector data using an existing Java CRS library. I'm
trying to decide between the library in deegree and the library in
GeoTools. Aside from the other technical arguments for choosing the
CRS code in GeoTools over deegree (which have been stated before on
this mailing list in great detail) I wonder what impact this new
GeoTidy library is going to have.

Will the existing CRS code in GeoTools have a maintainer now that
Martin is moving a lot of his code to GeoTidy?
Should I be using the CRS code in GeoTidy instead?

My main concerns are over the stability of the API. If I decide to
skip the deegree CRS library in favor of GeoTools/GeoTidy I'd like to
know what will be happening with the code in the future. I guess some
of my concern stems from my lack of understanding about the basic
relationship between GeoTools and GeoTidy.

Thanks for any comments.


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