Hi all,

I'm switching from version 1.6.2 to version 1.7.2 and I'm having problems with 
the ImageMosaicPlugin.

We have 32GB of data, divided into 113 separate and adjacent Geotiffs and a 
shapefile for the tileindex.

This data has always worked under version 1.6.2, now after we made the switch 
to 1.7.2 we get an exception upon startup.
When I create a new CoverageDataStore, fill in all the forms, I then press 
"Apply", everything seems to work, we can request the layer.
But when I press "Save" and then "Reload", or "Save" and then simple restart 
the server we get an exception:

The exception when loading the looks as follows:

12 Feb 08:21:37 WARN [geoserver.catalog] - Error loading 
'dmt_whole_64_blocks_dmt_whole/info.xml', ignoring
12 Feb 08:21:37 INFO [geoserver.catalog] -

I have corrected this error in the code in the file 
I have rebuild localy and everything now works for me ...
Can you guys upload this correction to the repository?


    public List<String> requestCRSs() throws Exception {
        Element supportedCRS = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(coverage, 
"supportedCRSs" );
        String[] requestCRS = ReaderUtils.getChildText( supportedCRS, 
"requestCRSs" ).trim().split(",");
        return Arrays.asList(requestCRS);

    public List<String> responseCRSs() throws Exception {
        Element supportedCRS = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(coverage, 
"supportedCRSs" );
        String[] responseCRS = ReaderUtils.getChildText( supportedCRS, 
"responseCRSs" ).trim().split(",");
        return Arrays.asList(responseCRS);


    public List<String> requestCRSs() throws Exception {
        Element supportedCRS = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(coverage, 
"supportedCRSs" );
        String[] requestCRS = ReaderUtils.getChildText( supportedCRS, 
"requestCRSs" ) == null ? new String[]{} : ReaderUtils.getChildText( 
supportedCRS, "requestCRSs" ).trim().split(",");
        return Arrays.asList(requestCRS);

    public List<String> responseCRSs() throws Exception {
        Element supportedCRS = ReaderUtils.getChildElement(coverage, 
"supportedCRSs" );
        String[] responseCRS = ReaderUtils.getChildText( supportedCRS, 
"responseCRSs" ) == null ? new String[]{} : ReaderUtils.getChildText( 
supportedCRS, "responseCRSs" ).trim().split(",");
        return Arrays.asList(responseCRS);


The info.xml looks like this in version 1.7.2:

<coverage format = "dmt_whole_64_blocks" >
  <label>dmt_whole is a Image mosaicking plugin</label>
  <description>Generated from dmt_whole_64_blocks</description>
    the default style this CoverageInfoDTO can be represented by.
    at least must contain the "default" attribute
  <styles default = "raster" />
    crs: native CRS definition, srsName: user defined CRS identifier
  <envelope crs = "PROJCS[&apos;WGS_1984_UTM_Zone_31N&apos;,
      SPHEROID[&apos;WGS_1984&apos;, 6378137.0, 298.257223563]],
    PRIMEM[&apos;Greenwich&apos;, 0.0],
    UNIT[&apos;degree&apos;, 0.017453292519943295],
    AXIS[&apos;Longitude&apos;, EAST],
    AXIS[&apos;Latitude&apos;, NORTH]],
  PARAMETER[&apos;central_meridian&apos;, 3.0],
  PARAMETER[&apos;latitude_of_origin&apos;, 0.0],
  PARAMETER[&apos;scale_factor&apos;, 0.9996],
  PARAMETER[&apos;false_easting&apos;, 500000.0],
  PARAMETER[&apos;false_northing&apos;, 0.0],
  UNIT[&apos;m&apos;, 1.0],
  AXIS[&apos;x&apos;, EAST],
  AXIS[&apos;y&apos;, NORTH]]" srsName = "EPSG:32631" >
    <pos>436000.0 5648999.0</pos>
    <pos>610000.0 5736999.0</pos>
  <grid dimension = "2" >
    <low>0 0 </low>
    <high>174000 88000 </high>
    <geoTransform >
  <CoverageDimension >
    <interval >
    <nullValues >
  <CoverageDimension >
    <interval >
    <nullValues >
  <CoverageDimension >
    <interval >
    <nullValues >
  <CoverageDimension >
    <interval >
    <nullValues >
  <supportedCRSs >
  <supportedFormats nativeFormat = "ImageMosaic" >
  <supportedInterpolations default = "nearest neighbor" >
  <parameters >
    <parameter name = "OutputTransparentColor" value = "" />
    <parameter name = "InputTransparentColor" value = "" />
    <parameter name = "InputImageThresholdValue" value = "NaN" />

and used to look like this in 1.6.2:

<coverage format = "dmt_whole" >
  <name> dmt_whole</name>
  <label>dmt_whole is a Image mosaicking plugin</label>
  <description>Generated from dmt_local_blocks</description>
  <metadataLink about = "" type = "" metadataType = "" >


    the default style this CoverageInfoDTO can be represented by.
    at least must contain the "default" attribute
  <styles default = "raster" />
  <envelope crs = "PROJCS['WGS 84 / UTM zone 31N',
  GEOGCS['WGS 84',
    DATUM['World Geodetic System 1984',
      SPHEROID['WGS 84', 6378137.0, 298.257223563, AUTHORITY['EPSG','7030']],
    PRIMEM['Greenwich', 0.0, AUTHORITY['EPSG','8901']],
    UNIT['degree', 0.017453292519943295],
    AXIS['Geodetic longitude', EAST],
    AXIS['Geodetic latitude', NORTH],
  PARAMETER['central_meridian', 3.0],
  PARAMETER['latitude_of_origin', 0.0],
  PARAMETER['scale_factor', 0.9996],
  PARAMETER['false_easting', 500000.0],
  PARAMETER['false_northing', 0.0],
  UNIT['m', 1.0],
  AXIS['Easting', EAST],
  AXIS['Northing', NORTH],
  AUTHORITY['EPSG','32631']]" srsName = "EPSG:32631" >
    <pos>500000.0 5648999.0</pos>
    <pos>600000.0 5719999.0</pos>
  <grid dimension = "2" >
    <low>0 0 </low>
    <high>100000 71000 </high>
    <geoTransform >
  <CoverageDimension >
    <name>dmt_whole [0 ... 255]</name>
    <interval >
  <CoverageDimension >
    <name>dmt_whole [0 ... 255]</name>
    <interval >
  <CoverageDimension >
    <name>dmt_whole [0 ... 255]</name>
    <interval >
  <supportedCRSs >
  <supportedFormats nativeFormat = "ImageMosaic" >
  <supportedInterpolations default = "nearest neighbor" >
  <parameters >
    <parameter name = "InputTransparentColor" value = "" />
    <parameter name = "OutputTransparentColor" value = "" />
    <parameter name = "InputImageThresholdValue" value = "NaN" />

Stephen Kempenaers

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