Justin Deoliveira ha scritto:
> I have been working through some jdbc-ng issues lately in an effort move 
> it to supported. There are currently two critical bugs outstanding:
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-2488
> Has a patch, but it needs work.

Oh, if my understanding of that is correct, the report is totally
off the mark, but I did not get feedback from the reporter.
What I think it's going on is that the reporter is using a Postgis
1.4 beta where the devs have changed the behaviour of envelope
computation and how it always returns 3d envelopes breaking up
the env computation code. The estimated evenlope on the other hand
is forced to be 2d, but that's the wrong solution to the problem
as it's just estimated.

So I will demote the priority to major.

> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-2231
> This one has a patch awaiting review from Andrea and Christian. As does:
> http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/GEOT-1981
> The rest of patches I submitted seem to have some issues on some 
> databases so need a bit of work.
> Regardless, i don't seen anything blocking to move it to supported, as 
> the modules are working quite well at this point. So I would like to 
> start the wheels in motion to move it to supported.
> The requirements have all been met, I can write up the necessary pages 
> on the wiki, add the modules to the module matrix, etc...
> My question is where to put the individual bits. Here is what I had in mind:
> * Move the contents of unsupported/jdbc-ng/jdbc-core into library/jdbc
>    There should be no conflicts since the package structures are 
> different. That is if we want to keep the old classes in there, perhaps 
> we should move them to unsupported?

I would say, move the current jdbc to unsupported/jdbc-legacy?
Otherwise we end up with two gt-jdbc jars and break up the
binary distribution, which is a flat list of jars
(the the second going in will overwrite the first).
Alternatively, we need some other naming for the new library module
(dbms, jdbc2, or just jdbc-core?)

> * Move the plugins from unsupported/jdbc-ng/* to plugin/jdbc/*
> * Move the old jdbc plugins to unsupported
> So the end result would look like:
> library/
>      jdbc/
> unsupported/
>      jdbc/ ** if we move the old contents of library/jdbc
>      db2/
>      postgis/
> plugin/
>      jdbc/
>         db2/
>         h2/
>         postgis/
>          ...
> I will write this all up in a formal proposal but just wanted to get 
> some conversation going first.

This works for me.

Andrea Aime
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