On 12/04/2009 02:34 AM, Andrea Aime wrote:
> Jody Garnett ha scritto:
>> A coverage (such as provided by the NetCDF format) that has more then
>> row/col/band information. Often used to capture raster information
>> that changes over time, or changes over height (forming a volume of
>> voxels).
>> Does that mean that changes of time form chronxels?
>> In anycase you get the idea, we need to provide a few more parameters
>> when getting back the band information (time or elevation in the two
>> examples above).
>> Normally we deal with 2D raster information, because we don't know the
>> "number" of extra dimensions for the data we give up and use the
>> mathematical notion "N" for an nD raster.
>> Jody
>> PS. perhaps Nixel? I like nixel
> 3d pixels are called voxels, 3d + time ones sometimes doxels,
> not sure there is a n- dimensional term:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voxel
> Cheers
> Andrea

 From the peanut gallery: wouldn't a "nixel" be a zero-dimensional pixel?

David Winslow
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