Hi Baskar, I committed a first version on trunk, please check out.

1) Architecture
GeoRasterOnlineTest ist the test class, JDBCAccessOracleGeoRaster does  
all the Georaster stuff.

I decided to delegate the mosaicing and cropping to Oracle Georaster.  
The result from the db is a tiff image. Java AWT is able to create a  
No Oracle Metadata needed !!!.

A hint for the future concerning your source code. It is not possible  
to commit code using oracle import statements (STRUCT as an example).  
You must use the jdbc Struct/Array classes. There is no oracle jar  
available in the build process.

I tested a 4 Band RGBA image and an image with a color table, EPSG:4326

2) Running the tests

Change into the geotools/modules/plugin/imagemosaic-jdbc directory.

Open the README file and create a fixture for online tests as described.

Additionally, in src/test/resources/resources.zip you will find a file
connect.georaster.xml.inc, extract it, edit the connect params and put  
the file back into the archive.

The whole XML Config is composed of


Make a "mvn clean install"

You will see some images in target/h2

Make a "mvn -P online test"

You will see some images in target/georaster

3) Please put the imagemosaic-jdbc.jar file in your environment and  
start testing. If you find bugs, send me patch file.

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