On 17/05/10 18:25, Jody Garnett wrote:
> I think you are into proposal territory - ie a modification that would impact 
> our build process.

I am not so sure. It should have no visible impact whatsoever on the 
build process. It is more changing the means of delivery of documents 
required for the build: rather than storing documents we do not govern 
in svn, we package them in mvn artifacts. The poms that create the 
artifacts are hiding out in the GeoTools svn tree (not yet checked in), 
but are not GeoTools modules. The issue is that we do not need to 
rebuild the schema jars when we build GeoTools.

Looking here, I see many, many non-GeoTools dependencies.

I should reframe my request: can I upload some artifacts required for 
app-schema testing? (Forget they are schemas.)

I do not see why I need a proposal to do something we are already doing: 
storing third-party jars in our osgeo maven repo. Nothing else changes.

In this case, I am the third-party, as self-appointed packager of these 

So, if I announced that I had a third-party whizbang-1.3.2.jar that I 
wanted to use in app-schema testing, would I be allowed to upload it to 
the osgeo maven repo? I think the process has been fairly informal so far.

> Would you be able to migrate the existing schemas?

I hope to dump them, except for some hand-made test-only schemas that 
are specific to app-schema and not published anywhere.

> While it is amusing to watch these get versioned with the library; it would 
> be nicer if they were under there own namespace with version numbers
> matching the specification represented.

I have adopted naming and numbering to match namespaces and versioning 

> I would however still like the code (well schemas) in this case to be 
> somewhere under the control of the the geotools project.

The poms used to build them will be checked in under 

> That is if we are publishing to the osgeo repository it would be good to 
> actually be able to point at the code involved and have anyone be able to 
> build from scratch and/or deploy it.

I concur. That is my plan. I should commit the poms to GeoTools svn and 
let you have a look.

> Justin had an idea of setting up code outside of the library for maven build 
> plugins; the idea of managing schemas would also fall under this.
> So yeah write it up as a proposal; and I would like to see a plan for 
> treating the existing filter, wfs, wps, etc in a similar manner.  Indeed my 
> concern is that the library is consistent.

I hope to avoid this; you may be able to persuade me if you can detail 
your concerns. Or have I assuaged them?

I do not understand why this affects filter, wfs, wps, etc. I am not 
proposing to extend this process beyond app-schema at this time. Perhaps 
if everyone adopts app-schema-resolver we will? But the other modules 
are different because they have their own (sometimes modified) copies of 
schemas, and use tools to generate code based on these. I can see how we 
might modify xmlcodegen and friends to consume schemas in jars, but I am 
not sure the tools are able to handle schemas as published (*cough* GML 
3.2). A wholesale refactoring of these tools is outside the scope of my 

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineering Team Leader
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre


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