Hi Matt,

A patch would be great! All the sql server code lives in 


The classes you will likely have to modify are:


Happy patching :)


On 10-07-20 2:50 PM, Matt Priour wrote:
> I've found an error in the Filter to SQL query parsing for MS SQL Server
> when bit fields (SQL Server's boolean type) is included in the where
> statement of the query.
> This problem effects both OGC formated filters and CQL formated filters.
> The problem is caused by a SQL Server T-SQL convention that when you
> query against a bit field you can use one of the following syntaxes:
> 1. <bitfield> = [0|1], ex: received = 0
> 2. <bitfield> = '[true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE]', note this _has_ to
> be a quoted string, ex: received = 'false'
> I have checked out the trunk code from SVN but can't find the right
> place to make a change in order to submit a patch.
> If I use either of following OGC or CQL format filters I get a SQL
> Server error of an invalid column name
> ---OGC---
> <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc";>
> <ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> <ogc:PropertyName>Trafikpaverkande</ogc:PropertyName>
> <ogc:Literal>0</ogc:Literal>
> </ogc:PropertyIsEqualTo>
> </ogc:Filter>
> ---CQL---
> Trafikpaverkande=0
> The same errors are raised if I use values of false (no quotes), 1, or
> true (no quotes)
> An 'unable to cast to a bit value' error is raised by Geotools if I use
> 'true' or 'false' (with quotes)
> Geotools generates the following SQL statement:
> SELECT "Id",CAST("Utbredning".STSrid as VARCHAR) + ':' +
> "Utbredning".STAsText() as "Utbredning" FROM "Handelse" WHERE
> ("Trafikpaverkande" = false AND <valid BBOX query>)
> Which produces the following exception:
> Exception rendering layer FeatureCollectionMapLayer[ Handelse, VISIBLE,
> UNSELECTED, style=StyleImpl[ name=point],
> data=org.vfny.geoserver.global.geoserverfeaturesou...@182d6a3, query=Query:
> feature type: Handelse
> filter: [Filter.INCLUDE AND [ Trafikpaverkande = 0 ]]
> [properties: ALL ]]
> at
> org.geotools.renderer.lite.StreamingRenderer.paint(StreamingRenderer.java:694)
> .. 54 more
> Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException
> ... 58 more
> Caused by: java.io.IOException
> ... 61 more
> Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid
> column name 'false'.
> at
> com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException.makeFromDatabaseError(SQLServerException.java:196)
> ... 63 more
> However there is workaround. If you use a LIKE filter instead of an
> equality filter and specify true or false (with quotes) then it uses the
> boolean string as the query parameter, which SQL Server will accept as a
> valid query.
> So for the example above using:
> No quotes for the OGC style
> <ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc";>
> <ogc:PropertyIsLike wildCard="*" singleChar="." escape="!">
> <ogc:PropertyName>Trafikpaverkande</ogc:PropertyName>
> <ogc:Literal>false</ogc:Literal>
> </ogc:PropertyIsLike>
> </ogc:Filter>
> Quotes on the CQL style
> Trafikpaverkande like 'false'
> Produces the following valid SQL:
> SELECT "Id",CAST("Utbredning".STSrid as VARCHAR) + ':' +
> "Utbredning".STAsText() as "Utbredning" FROM "Handelse" WHERE
> ("Trafikpaverkande" = 0 AND <valid BBOX query>)
> note this workaround fails if you actually use 1 or 0 as the literal value
> If someone can tell me where the code should be changed, I would happily
> submit a patch so that this behavior can be corrected in the next
> release of Geotools.
> Thanks in advance
> Matt Priour
> Kestrel Computer Consulting

Justin Deoliveira
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