I've found an error in the Filter to SQL query parsing for MS SQL Server 
when bit fields (SQL Server's boolean type) is included in the where 
statement of the query.
This problem effects both OGC formated filters and CQL formated filters.
The problem is caused by a SQL Server T-SQL convention that when you query 
against a bit field you can use one of the following syntaxes:
1. <bitfield> = [0|1], ex: received = 0
2. <bitfield> = '[true|True|TRUE|false|False|FALSE]', note this _has_ to be 
a quoted string, ex: received = 'false'

I have checked out the trunk code from SVN but can't find the right place to 
make a change in order to submit a patch.

If I use either of following OGC or CQL format filters I get a SQL Server 
error of an invalid column name
<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc";>


The same errors are raised if I use values of false (no quotes), 1, or true 
(no quotes)
An 'unable to cast to a bit value' error is raised by Geotools if I use 
'true' or 'false' (with quotes)

Geotools generates the following SQL statement:
SELECT "Id",CAST("Utbredning".STSrid as VARCHAR) + ':' + 
"Utbredning".STAsText() as "Utbredning" FROM "Handelse" WHERE 
("Trafikpaverkande" = false AND <valid BBOX query>)

Which produces the following exception:
Exception rendering layer FeatureCollectionMapLayer[ Handelse, VISIBLE, 
UNSELECTED, style=StyleImpl[ name=point], 
data=org.vfny.geoserver.global.geoserverfeaturesou...@182d6a3, query=Query:
   feature type: Handelse
   filter: [Filter.INCLUDE AND [ Trafikpaverkande = 0 ]]
   [properties:  ALL ]]
.. 54 more
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: java.io.IOException
 ... 58 more
Caused by: java.io.IOException
 ... 61 more
Caused by: com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerException: Invalid column 
name 'false'.
 ... 63 more

However there is workaround. If you use a LIKE filter instead of an equality 
filter and specify true or false (with quotes) then it uses the boolean 
string as the query parameter, which SQL Server will accept as a valid 
So for the example above using:
No quotes for the OGC style
<ogc:Filter xmlns:ogc="http://www.opengis.net/ogc";>
   <ogc:PropertyIsLike wildCard="*" singleChar="." escape="!">

Quotes on the CQL style
Trafikpaverkande like 'false'

Produces the following valid SQL:
SELECT "Id",CAST("Utbredning".STSrid as VARCHAR) + ':' + 
"Utbredning".STAsText() as "Utbredning" FROM "Handelse" WHERE 
("Trafikpaverkande" = 0 AND <valid BBOX query>)

note this workaround fails if you actually use 1 or 0 as the literal value

If someone can tell me where the code should be changed, I would happily 
submit a patch so that this behavior can be corrected in the next release of 

Thanks in advance

Matt Priour
Kestrel Computer Consulting 

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