That is another question based on volunteer time :-) 

>From my standpoint GeoTools 8.x has met its goals (documentation and gt-swing) 
>and we probably should of released prior to this wfs2 work coming in. Given 
>that we missed that window I expect we will need to wait for the wfs2 work to 

The uDig project is releasing against the milestone releases presently (indeed 
that pretty much defines when a milestone release is made). 

Please note the project is open; so if you needed 8.0 released for your work 
the release procedure is there and you can jump on geotools-devel and follow it 
to make a release. It is a bit slow the first time as you need to sign up for a 
few things; but we do welcome volunteers.
Jody Garnett

On Saturday, 22 October 2011 at 3:29 AM, Milton Jonathan wrote:

> Thanks a bunch for the info, Andrea
> OK, I guess we can live with this for now.
> By the way, out of curiosity: how far is GeoTools 8.x from a stable 
> version, any idea?
> Thanks again
> Milton
> On 21/10/2011 05:26, Andrea Aime wrote:
> > On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 10:57 PM, Milton Jonathan
> > < (> wrote:
> > > Hello people
> > > 
> > > I've noticed that the latest Geotools 2.7.x version is still on top of
> > > GDAL 1.4x. I wonder, are there any plans of upgrading this? (I
> > > understand it means upgrading the imageio-ext dependency)
> > 
> > GeoTools 8.x uses imageio-ext 1.1 which in turn uses GDAL 1.7.3.
> > Since it uses the new JNI binidngs that might also work with
> > GDAL 1.8, though I'm not sure about it
> > 
> > I'm not aware of plans to upgrade 2.7.x to use imageio-ext 1.1 in the
> > short term (though things might change, the blocker is being able
> > to fund the code changes and the manual testing necessary
> > to do the backport in a safe manner).
> > 
> > Cheers
> > Andrea
> -- 
> Milton Jonathan
> Grupo GIS e Meio Ambiente
> Tecgraf/PUC-Rio
> Tel: +55-21-3527-2502
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