Yeah, i am thinking just names that the SDE approach is the best way to go.
I know the names are ugly but at least in the geoserver case the user can
set a different name if they want to.

I guess the only issue is code (mostly in the dialect) that takes schema as
a parameter. I guess the datastore will have to do quite a few checks for
which mode is in play, and split the qualified table names accordingly.

On Thu, Jan 12, 2012 at 8:10 AM, Andrea Aime

> Hi,
> I'm looking into some options to have a JDBCDataStore work against multiple
> schemas at the same time without troubles.
> Right now the code works two ways:
> - if you specify a schema during the store setup, we work against tables
> of that
>    schema and we're fine
> - if you don't the list of possible feature types contains a list of
> tables from
>   multiple schemas, and the table names are never schema qualified when we
>   do queries (which means, the table we actually pick is a matter of luck)
> The second case is trouble. At first I was thinking about the possiblity
> of specifying
> the schema as a "sidecar" information with feature types, but there is a
> fundamental
> problem: if two schemas have the same table there must be a way for the
> user to
> identify which table is coming from which schema, and point at the right
> one.
> Name is not an option, since that is for namespace qualification, not
> schema qualification,
> besides, most of the client code is not really ready ot use Name instead
> of a plain string.
> I guess a better option is to return names that do contain the schema,
> pretty much
> like the SDE store does (afaik), that is, schema.table.
> The way I'm picturing it is that the code would return plain table names
> if you specify
> the schema, and schema qualified names otherwise.
> And maybe be a bit tolerant if an unqualified name comes in, if there is
> just a single
> table with that matches that name accept the short name as if it was
> schema qualified
> (think of someone changing the configuration of the store from schema
> specified
> to schema-less, all the table names would suddenly change).
> What other approaches could we follow? What problems do you foresee?
> Cheers
> Andrea
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------
> Ing. Andrea Aime
> GeoSolutions S.A.S.
> Tech lead
> Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
> 55054  Massarosa (LU)
> Italy
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:      +39 0584 962313
> mob:    +39 339 8844549
> -------------------------------------------------------
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