> Ugh, implemented as you suggest it will affect performance of WPS chaining a 
> lot. 
> This is due to the removal of the subCollection methods, which are the only 
> way to have a streaming process
> (one that returns a computing collection) compute less data if a downstream 
> process needs less.
> This approach is not used much now, but killing it right away will make it 
> impossible to setup
> process chaing that efficiently work in pull mode.

subCollection(Query) method is still there. 

Sorry I did not look closely at the proposal, I only deprecated what it 
described, and left the sort and subCollection methods in place (as it also 
described). I will double check the remaining methods and update the proposal 
page if you like. I am more focused on the patch right now.
> If at all, what I'm realy missing there is a subCollection(Query) method that 
> would replace subCollection(Filter) and
> subCollection(SortBy). 
> Generally speaking asking users to use FeatureSource.getFeatures(Query) is a 
> bad move, not because it's
> wrong per se, but because you might have long lost any reference to the 
> feature source.

Agreed (for my two cents). 
> I'm confused by getType and getDescriptor in the patch 
> (https://jira.codehaus.org/secure/attachment/60308/geot-3181.patch)
> Read about it in the proposal, but still does not make sense to me... why 
> should we go
> and replace getSchema with getType, it seems to do most harm than good?

I think it was a request for consistency, when this proposal was first written 
we had just made all the feature/attribute methods have a getTypeMethod().

I think getDescriptor() is simply missing. 
> The rest about removing all the modification oriented methods from feature 
> collection seems
> reasonable to me, I always think about feature collections in terms of 
> something that is
> a "view" of a store. Real in memory collections can offer modification 
> methods of course,
> and we should update demo and tutorial code accordingly.

Yep, indeed I updated he "addFeatures" example to use a ListFeatureCollection 
rather than DefaultFeatureCollection yesterday. 
> One thing that still bothers me a lot about current collections is that they 
> never throw a IOException,
> this is still a vestigial decision from the "collection is a memory thing" 
> times, and makes it harder
> to write an implementation that actually does I/O ("ouch, this code does IO 
> but I cannot declare
> these IO exceptions...").
> I understand changing this would break a lot of client code, just ranting 
> here.

It is a good rant I understand.

My own rant was a wish that FeatureIterator (and FeatureReader) would implement 

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