> > Sorry I did not look closely at the proposal, I only deprecated what it 
> > described, and left the sort and subCollection methods in place (as it also 
> > described). I will double check the remaining methods and update the 
> > proposal page if you like. I am more focused on the patch right now.
> > 
> The comments in the jira should be removed them, they are misleading. 
Reading; ah yes that was just part of a very old email discussion. 
> I would also remove the commented out portion out of the patch, as they add 
> more confusion as well

Okay, it was basically what would happen for the 9.x branch. But yeah can do 
that then. 
> I think getDescriptor() is simply missing. 
> Still don't get it. The need is either clear or it should be left out.
I don't get what you don't get :(

getSchema(): FeatureType (holds the type of the element of the feature 
collection), consider rename to getType()?
getDescriptor(): AttribtueDescriptor (holds the name of the elements of the 
feature collection)

There is a separate proposal to add getDescriptor(), we can choose if we want 
to have getType() at that point in time, rather then hold up this "pre release 
deprecation" check.

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