On 07/01/13 22:31, Niels Charlier wrote:
> I think the reason might be that because of the existence of the
> app-schema-test package in geoserver there has been traditionally less
> test coverage in the gt-app-schema package itself, but now it becomes
> clear that some basic complex feature classes do need to be tested on
> their own behaviour.


gt-app-schema also lacks encoding test coverage, which is largely (and 
very heavily) provided by GeoServer app-schema-test. The latter has 
grown (*cough*) sophisticated test fixtures. (Giant integration tests 
rather than unit tests.)

The original reason why all the encoding tests were in GeoServer-land 
was an XML Configuration dependency problem. If I recall correctly (and 
it was a long time ago), there was at least one essential Configuration 
(WFS?) needed for encoding full responses that was present or had a 
dependency only present in GeoServer. I remember noticing years later 
that this situation no longer exists. Refactoring would be welcome.

Kind regards,

Ben Caradoc-Davies <ben.caradoc-dav...@csiro.au>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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