That is interesting, Jody. I am not opposed to formalising the role of 
representatives, just observing that we have not done so thus far. It 
might well be a good idea.

Perhaps we can broaden the language to "representative" (but this has 
legal connotations), or even just "person", together with capturing 
their relationship with the rights owner?

Kind regards,

On 05/02/13 11:13, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Thanks Ben, for reference I have been going through the eclipse stuff and …
> a) It also demands employers sign for each representative they have in
> the mix
> b) It is very clear (when you sign up) that you can reference an
> employer, or the organisations you are doing the work for as a contractor

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Software Engineer
CSIRO Earth Science and Resource Engineering
Australian Resources Research Centre

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