Hi all,

Some folks may have heard of the geopackage spec that is currently being
developed by the OGC. For those that haven't the short of it is that it is
a SQLite based format capable of housing vector and raster datasets, as
well as pre rendered tile sets (inspired by mbtiles).

We've been working on an implementation for geotools and would like to push
it in as an supported module. The code is currently on a branch in my
github repo.


Some additional technical information about the implementation.

It uses the same xerial sqlite driver we use for the spatialite datastore,
although geopackage has no requirement for spatialite so we just use the
base driver without any of the spatialite dependencies.

For the vector support the module contains a datastore (jdbc based).

The raster support is currently somewhat lame. In general i am not sure how
useful the raster bits of the geopackage spec will be. It is actually an
optional part of the spec but we implemented a rough initial version of it.
Basically the format gives back a coverage reader for blobs stored in the
database. It currently supports world images and geotiffs.

The tile stuff is pretty straight forward and given a tile index the format
will give back an image blob stored in the database, or given a range will
give back an iterator.

For those interested here is the latest version of the spec.



Justin Deoliveira
OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
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