On Wed, Jul 10, 2013 at 3:33 PM, Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com>wrote:

> This is much more exciting then your low key delivery Justin :)
> So as a supported module we need to do the code review thing, check
> headers and code coverage, and I need one page of docs ( as small as a
> single code example you can inline in from a test case ).

I am asking for an unsupported module.

> So what can I do?
> Vote +1
> And check the headers once it is in.
> Can you round up volunteers for doc page and test coverage?

I was under the impression these were things typically worried about when
one wants to push the module from unsupported into the main library.

> --
> Jody Garnett
> On 11/07/2013, at 3:19 AM, Justin Deoliveira <jdeol...@opengeo.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> Some folks may have heard of the geopackage spec that is currently being
> developed by the OGC. For those that haven't the short of it is that it is
> a SQLite based format capable of housing vector and raster datasets, as
> well as pre rendered tile sets (inspired by mbtiles).
> We've been working on an implementation for geotools and would like to
> push it in as an supported module. The code is currently on a branch in my
> github repo.
>   https://github.com/jdeolive/geotools/compare/geopkg
> Some additional technical information about the implementation.
> It uses the same xerial sqlite driver we use for the spatialite datastore,
> although geopackage has no requirement for spatialite so we just use the
> base driver without any of the spatialite dependencies.
> For the vector support the module contains a datastore (jdbc based).
> The raster support is currently somewhat lame. In general i am not sure
> how useful the raster bits of the geopackage spec will be. It is actually
> an optional part of the spec but we implemented a rough initial version of
> it. Basically the format gives back a coverage reader for blobs stored in
> the database. It currently supports world images and geotiffs.
> The tile stuff is pretty straight forward and given a tile index the
> format will give back an image blob stored in the database, or given a
> range will give back an iterator.
> For those interested here is the latest version of the spec.
> https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1663985/12-128r7_OpenGIS_GeoPackage_Implementation_Specification_accept_changes.pdf
> -Justin
> --
> Justin Deoliveira
> OpenGeo - http://opengeo.org
> Enterprise support for open source geospatial.
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