> Admittedly this information should be in the DataStore Info object, so if
> you have that working we can remove the createGetCapabilitiesRequest method.
> If you could just clarify on what you like to see instead of
> createGetCapabilitiesRequest (methods with signature for example) that
> would be great.

I think that if store.getInfo().getSource() returns the GetCapabilities URL
then I can use that to determine what "service endpoint" I ended up
connecting to.

Checking the javadocs:

     * Returns the service source.
     * <p>
     * Maps to the Dublin Core Server Element.
     * <p>
     * <ul>
     * <li>Open web services can use the online resource of their
capabilies document
     * <li>File formats may wish to use their parent directory
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * @return Source of this service
    URI getSource();

Looks like that should already be the case then.

So remove createGetCapabilitiesRequest, and I can create a datastore and
use ServiceInfo getSource() as a replacement.

> Background: Editing is a test of FeatureId
> <http://docs.geotools.org/latest/javadocs/org/geotools/filter/identity/FeatureIdImpl.html>
> handling, we use a temporary FeatureId during the GeoTools transaction ...
> and then during GeoTools transaction commit the WFSDataStore sends a WFS-T
> TransactionRequest .. and then parse through the TransactionResponse
> document updating each temporary FeatureId with the final identifier
> assigned by the server.
> For details see FetureIdImpl origionalFid, fid and setFid( String ).
> It works in udig in my tests.

Excellent, I know how hard that stuff is to get right.

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