Reading a bit more carefully ...

It seems to me you want me to pass on information from the GeoServer
> catalog, but how is that information even available from within a geotools
> module?

Not the GeoServer catalog, the GetCapabilities document of the WFS server
you are contacting. The GeoServer catalog is recording all that information
for a reason ... so it can publish it to clients :)

> That seems to me the reason why CRS and bounds can be provided but not the
> other stuff. I don't know if there is a straight-forward way to do this.

The WFSClient has access to the GetCapabilities document which contains the
title, description, keywords and everything else published by the WFS.
Additional information (such as namespace) is available via
DescribeFeatureResult (which as you know is parsed to produce the

> Either way, it seems to me this might be out of scope here because this
> regards a more general issue (ContentDataStore) rather than a wfs-ng
> specific issue. I'll leave it up to you two to decide...

Let me see if I can hunt down implementation details...

There should be a createInfo method to override.

As for the previous implementation how did it do it?

1) The previous implementation WFSDataStore line 68 returns a
WFSServiceInfo in order to communicate back additional information.

What additional information? public String getVersion();

So we know it is filling in data, or it would not have gone to the trouble
of providing additional methods here.

2) Where did it fill in the data?

It returned an WFSInfo object that looks up information (like keywords) in
the GetCapabilities Service section as needed:

            public Set<String> getKeywords() {
                String[] keywordList =
                if (keywordList == null) {
                    return Collections.emptySet();
                return new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(keywordList));

Here is the link

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