I have got XML type support working for JDBC (only PostGIS is implemented
right now) and GML.


   - I will support both fragments and full documents. This means that we
   cannot rely on having a schema. Note that not all databases support
   document fragments, although PostGIS does
   - I have a generic JDBC test case written, and a PostGIS implementation
   of the test setup; Future implementations for other databases will only
   need to implement database setup code.
   - Per database converter code is necessary, becuase the various
   databases generally do not use the Java standard SQLXML type, but rather
   define their own types.


   - Since the attribute defines a name, we can we can map it to xs:anyType
   (slightly more strict than xs:any)
   - To support this, I have modified the
   ComplexSupportXSAnyTypeBinding.encode() method to support any Node object.
   I am not sure this is the best place for this, but it is the best place I
   could find.

A pull request containing my changes is here
<https://github.com/geotools/geotools/pull/744>, but I am open to further
discussion before it is merged. Prior to this, I was not familiar with the
underlying implementations, so it is very possible that I missed something.

I did attempt to implement Oracle support but ran into a number of issues.
Without being able to directly use types and methods from the Oracle jdbc
driver and Oracle XML Developers Kit, support for the version of oracle
currently supported by geotools is dubious. Fortunately, newer versions of
Oracle (11+) support the java SQLXML type, and should work with the JDBC
converter code.

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