
Okay, so according to the geotools documentation CRSes with full URI 
specification don't suffer from axis order confusions. But I have the 
following SRS used in a test:
And here's the thing: when running the test in maven, this is 
North->East, when running the same test in eclipse this is East->North. 
How on earth could that be possible?? What I've been able to figure out 
is that when running in maven the CRS is built by DirectEpsgFactory 
which takes it from a database in epsg-hsql, but in eclipse it is built 
by EPSGCRSAuthorityFactory in epsg-wkt which takes it from a text file 
(which says east-north). So my guess is that this has something to do 
with the different way that maven and eclipse handle module 
dependencies. But still, shouldn't it always be North->East when 
specified with such a URI?

It almost seems like a pure gamble which axis order you are going to end 
up with in geotools. You can force geotools to always use east->north, 
but you can't do it the other way around! And you can only set that 
setting once in the beginning of running your java instance, changing it 
again doesn't guarantee success because of caching crses.

Also, I think there is a lot of unnecessary throwing away of axis order 
going on by using srs strings when there are already methods in place to 
use CRS instead. For example in BoundingBoxImpl, the getSrs/setSrs 
methods are deprecated, but they are still used everywhere, even in new 
code, it seems like the deprecations in BoundingBoxImpl are still 
ignored. In the FilterDuplicatorVisitor, from which most filter visitors 
are derived, the boundingbox is rebuilt using setSrs() so all CRS 
information axis order is lost each time a filter is rebuilt with a 
visitor. I think that could be easily changed.


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