Dear Andrea,

Le 06/04/2015 09:13, Andrea Aime a écrit :
thanks for contacting us, comments inline

On Fri, Apr 3, 2015 at 3:35 PM, Erwan Bocher < <>> wrote:

    Dear geotools developers,

    I'm developing an extension to link H2GIS -  H2 database with
    The code source is available here

Interesting, could you compare that with the GeoTools H2 datastore?
H2GIS datastore is inspired from PostGISdatastore.

    Because H2 database supports linked table and H2GIS uses this custom
    file system to link geospatial file as shapefile (see an example here, I'd like to find a way to
    set the table types supported by the H2 database.

    If I'm not wrong this requirement can be solved with two single
    changes :

    1. Add a method in SQLDialect to specify the desired tables

          * @return Table types filtered from jdbc {@link
         public String[] getDesiredTablesType() {
             return new String[]{"TABLE", "VIEW", "MATERIALIZED VIEW",

    2. Change JDBCDataStore to use the method getDesiredTablesType()

    In createTypeNames{...

      DatabaseMetaData metaData = cx.getMetaData();

      ResultSet tables = metaData.getTables(null,
    escapeNamePattern(metaData, databaseSchema),
                         "%", dialect.getDesiredTablesType());


    When the developer wants to add custom table types, just overwrite
    like this

         public String[] getDesiredTablesType() {
             return new String[]{"TABLE", "VIEW", "MATERIALIZED VIEW",

    I have added an example here

    Ihope it's clear.

Yep, the change is small and self contained, no issues here.

The other two comments I've made on your pull request still apply:
* The pull request needs to be redone, it contains several changes that are unrelated (15 files changed, but you wanted to change only 2). * Also check the contribution guide for _copyright assignment_ and other procedures (and yes, ok not to have tests on this one)

Since you seem to be an expert in H2, I have a question for you. In GeoTools and GeoServer we use H2 in
multiple places, but an old version of it.
This is mostly because H2 changed the on disk format, and apparently did not include an automatic upgrade procedure for it... which is a serious problem when users are upgrading existing installations.
Do you know of a way to make the upgrades transparent?
A yes. Good question.

The new database engine MVStore is very efficient but not yet stable. Currently in my team, we are maintaining two branches one with MVStore and the other with the old page store engine. If you want to upgrade H2 set MVSTORE=false in you JDBC URL.
Maybe, @Nicolas (in copy) has a better proposal ?




GeoServer Professional Services from the experts! Visit for more information.

Ing. Andrea Aime
Technical Lead

GeoSolutions S.A.S.
Via Poggio alle Viti 1187
55054  Massarosa (LU)
phone: +39 0584 962313
fax: +39 0584 1660272
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