GeoTools / GeoServer Meeting 2016-06-14


Ben Caradoc-Davies
Jody Garnett
Torben Barsballe


Ian Turton


- GeoServer OSGeo Project Officer
- Release schedule
- OSGeo update
- Upgrade to NetCDF-Java 4.6.6
- ImageMosaic refactoring part 1
- Pull requests


- Jody: encourage updates to docs/jira to record Simone as GeoServer 
project officer
- Alessandro and Andrea: release 14.4 / 2.8.4

Actions from last meeting

- Ben to email list to ask for more PMC votes on OSGeo copyright header 
legal advice [DONE]
- Jody: Contact Justin to declare GeoTools copyright header policy 
change done, merge in change to developers guide [DONE]

GeoServer OSGeo Project Officer

Simone Giannecchini has volunteered:
- OSGeo board updated
- website: (done)
- wiki: (done)
- jira: (not yet)

Release schedule

Updated the release schedule:

We are looking at a short release cycle due to release delays of 2.9.

- Alessandro and Andrea have (been) volunteered to release 14.4 / 2.8.4

Release priorities/ideas/mad plans for GeoServer 2.10 release timeframe:
- Jody and Devon are taking a run at GeoTools codebase prior to foss4g 
workshop in August. Intend to update library for Java 8 syntax.
- Status endpoint is collecting more and more sanity checks (expect GUI 
during 2.10.x timeframe?)
- ImageMosaic api refactor ongoing
- VectorTiles documentation

OSGeo update

Board has been informed of new GeoServer project officer.

Board approved asking for legal advice on GeoTools header policy. 
Ben/Jody are working with Michael Smith on this one....

OSGeo Marketing committee has asked how they can help:
- GeoTools: Encourage committers, always encourage committers
- GeoServer: Encourage participation, testing, updated handouts?

General discussion on where we get new developers? From 
companies/organizations, submitting a few pull requests, ...

How can we be more sticky as a community? Our "community" modules is one 
attempt on this front, not so useful now with github.

Our pull reviews can be ... harsh "no discussion, no jira, no party" 
(but more directed at longstanding developers cutting corners). We do a 
better job meeting new developers half way, but time is limited. Can be 
intimidating to find a good test case example to copy from; perhaps we 
can make a short list.

Predictable release tick/tock between stable/maintenance helps attract 
contributions (if not volunteers). As does our open process.

Larger proposals get stuck in review, try many small proposals.

Upgrade to NetCDF-Java 4.6.6

Targeting 2.9.x backport for July 2.9.1 release.

[GEOT-5434] Upgrade to NetCDF-Java 4.6.6

ImageMosaic refactoring part 1

Should add Ben's summary to the docs: proposal provides why, pull 
request provides what.

- This is a smaller proposal easier to follow
- The last section has gone beyond strict API interface change and has a 
fair bit of discussion (is this needed?)
- Needs links to Jira and mailing list discussions

Pull requests Roundup

- Many pull requests were reviewed, and some merged

Ben Caradoc-Davies <>
Transient Software Limited <>
New Zealand

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