OK, let us reschedule this meeting to (2) 08:00 UTC. I will send 
reminders now.

I know we have had some problems with Skype, but last time Skype for Web 
work fine for me in Chrome under Linux.

Kind regards,

On 06/09/16 09:24, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Given the amount of stuff coming together (2) and (3)
> are both good.
> Here is the trouble, everyone has catch up work after the conference,
> except me who is on holiday. While I brought my laptop ... I am not set up
> to work for the amount of time required.
> More alarmingly is the number of outstanding pull requests and bug reports.
> As has already been pointed out the sprint post conference was not set up
> to churn trough bug reports (not the right mix of people).
> I am concerned we have more work to do then resources to do it.

Ben Caradoc-Davies <b...@transient.nz>
Transient Software Limited <http://transient.nz/>
New Zealand

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