Hi Niels,
we went with the "where exists" subquery approach because it was easier to
translate filters to SQL that way. For example, let's think of a filter
which is actually a logical combination (OR / AND) of multiple filters;
each filter could refer to a completely different feature chain, and thus,
one would have to go trough all the filters first to determine the global
list of tables that should be joined, and then logically combine the WHERE
clauses. Using the subquery approach felt more natural (at least from a
human perspective), it allowed us to translate each filter separately and
then logically combine the translated SQL fragments in a straightforward

Performance-wise, I don't expect a big difference, as optimizers should be
smart enough to translate a WHERE EXISTS subquery into a join if needed; I
have not done any real performance comparison between the two approaches

Does this make sense to you?

On Tue, Sep 13, 2016 at 11:17 AM, Niels Charlier <ni...@scitus.be> wrote:

> Hi Stefano,
> I think it is great you added that feature! A vast improvement to the work
> that I always had hoped would still be developed.
> Out of curiosity, why did you choose the "where exists" clauses rather
> than the simple joins that I suggested? You think it has better performance
> (I would expect worse on first glance, but more probably the same because
> of optimiser),
> or was it easier to construct the queries this way?
> Kind Regards
> Niels
> On 11-09-16 16:56, Stefano Costa wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm writing to solicit feedback from the community about an improvement to
> App-Schema's joining implementation that we have been working on lately.
> In short, we would like to introduce support for the SQL encoding of
> filters on nested attributes, which, in the current implementation, end up
> in the post-filter and are evaluated in memory, after all the features have
> been loaded.
> For those who might be unfamiliar with it, the inner workings of the
> current joining implementation are clearly illustrated by Niels Charlier in
> this 
> presentation:https://www.seegrid.csiro.au/wiki/pub/Infosrvices/GeoserverAppSchemaJoining/joining_presentation.pdf
> The aforementioned presentation mentions the fact that filtering on nested
> attributes is "currently done with post-filtering", and suggests a possible
> strategy for translating them to SQL.
> What we have implemented so far is a slight variation of the approach
> suggested by Niels.
> Let's take GeoSciML's MappedFeature (container) and GeologicUnit (nested)
> features as example.
> The following filter on the gml:description attribute of the nested
> GeologicUnit type:
> <ogc:PropertyIsLike>
> <ogc:PropertyName>gsml:specification/gsml:GeologicUnit/gml:description</ogc:PropertyName>
>   <ogc:Literal>*sedimentary*</ogc:Literal>
> </ogc:PropertyIsLike>
> would be ignored by the current joining implementation (i.e. it is regarded
> as a post-filter):
> SELECT ...
> FROM "appschematest"."MAPPEDFEATURE"
> ORDER BY "appschematest"."MAPPEDFEATURE"."ID" ASC,
> "appschematest"."MAPPEDFEATURE"."PKEY"
> SELECT ...
> FROM "appschematest"."GEOLOGICUNIT"
> "appschematest"."GEOLOGICUNIT"."GML_ID" ASC,
> "appschematest"."GEOLOGICUNIT"."PKEY"
> but would be translated to the following SQL queries in the new
> implementation:
> SELECT ...
> FROM "appschematest"."MAPPEDFEATURE"
> SELECT DISTINCT "ID" FROM "appschematest"."
> * SELECT "chain_link_1"."PKEY" FROM "appschematest"."GEOLOGICUNIT"
> "chain_link_1" *
> "appschematest"."MAPPEDFEATURE"."GEOLOGIC_UNIT_ID" =
> "chain_link_1"."GML_ID")*
> ) "temp_alias_used_for_filter" ON ( "MAPPEDFEATURE"."ID" =
> "temp_alias_used_for_filter"."ID" )
> ORDER BY "appschematest"."MAPPEDFEATURE"."ID" ASC,
> "appschematest"."MAPPEDFEATURE"."PKEY"
> SELECT ...
> FROM "appschematest"."GEOLOGICUNIT"
> * SELECT "chain_link_1"."PKEY" FROM "appschematest"."GEOLOGICUNIT"
> "chain_link_1" *
> "chain_link_1"."GML_ID")*
> ) "temp_alias_used_for_filter" ON ( "MAPPEDFEATUREPROPERTYFILE"."ID" =
> "temp_alias_used_for_filter"."ID" )
> "appschematest"."GEOLOGICUNIT"."GML_ID" ASC,
> "appschematest"."GEOLOGICUNIT"."PKEY"
> We have seen significant performance improvements, especially with the
> total number of features in the DB is high (several thousands), but only a
> few of them would satisfy the filter.
> At present, we don't aim for a comprehensive implementation of nested
> filters encoding; as a consequence, our implementation has the following
> limitations:
> 1. only binary comparison, PropertyIsLike and PropertyIsNull filters are
> translated to SQL
> 2. polymorphic mappings are not supported
> 3. filters involving multiple nested attributes are not supported
> In case anybody wants to take a look before a formal PR, the code can be
> found in this branch of my personal geotools fork:
> https://github.com/ridethepenguin/geotools/tree/my_nested_filters_join
> As this enhancement only applies when joining is enabled, unit tests have
> been added in the gs-app-schema-test module of 
> geoserver:https://github.com/ridethepenguin/geoserver/tree/my_nested_filters_join_tests
> Last but not least, I would like to point out a couple of fixes (I hope)
> I've introduced as I went along. The first is in 
> UnmappingFilterVisitor:https://github.com/geotools/geotools/compare/master...ridethepenguin:my_nested_filters_join#diff-de21f72fdbda25bc69ea142fad909c8eR821
> I've introduced it to make encoding of joining for simple content possible,
> but it seems to me to be a more general fix to avoid having nulls in the
> encoded filter.
> The second is in 
> XPathUtil:https://github.com/geotools/geotools/compare/master...ridethepenguin:my_nested_filters_join#diff-11339740d8ff9ccff758df9400eecfc5R97
> It seems to me the current implementation of startsWith is broken, as it
> considers gml:name[2] and gml:name[3] paths to be the same, while they may
> be mapped to different tables (e.g. see SimpleAttributeFeatureChainWfsTest)
> Any feedback is higly appreciated :-)
> Thanks!
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Best regards,
Stefano Costa

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