While answering this question
I ran into a couple (or more) bugs in the WFSDatastore - GEOT-5920
<https://osgeo-org.atlassian.net/browse/GEOT-5920> & GEOT-5921

It looks like the 5921 problem is that the WFSDatastore doesn't check the
filter capabilities section of the capabilities document and split the
filter into ones it can and can't handle in the way that the JDBC
Datastores do. So before I head too far down this rabbit hole can anyone
suggest an easy way to grab the filter capabilities from a GetCapabilities
request? I found createGetFeatureRequestPost
looks like it should be doing this but seems to think that ILIKE is ok.

5920 looks like it is not passing the function to GeoServer which is could
since that is a supported function but is instead is just sending an empty
parameter - I'm not sure where to look for that



Ian Turton
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