after bringing the builds green I've looked at the jars to see if there
still are split packages.
Had to fix a couple of issues regarding SPI being declared in jars that did
not have the class being declared,
then finally got this:

./jsplitpkgscan  -d /home/aaime/devel/git-gt/target/binaries
- Split packages:
      9  file:/jt-scale-1.1.2.jar
      9  file:/jt-scale2-1.1.2.jar

I'll check with Daniele about this one.

      1  file:/mp/gt-brewer-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      1  file:/mp/gt-sample-data-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

Brewer has a Builder interface there, only used inside the brewer.styling
and gt-sample-data has TestData in there... I'd move down both and leave
the package empty.

      3  file:/mp/gt-arcsde-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      1  file:/mp/gt-arcsde-common-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

This is a bit more annoying, but can be solved by moving the sde factories
into org.geotools.arcsde.data,
which seems the right place

      2  file:/mp/gt-data-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
    113  file:/mp/gt-main-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

This is due to CachingFeatureSource, which has been deprecated for ages,
but unfortuntel

     35  file:/mp/gt-app-schema-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      1  file:/mp/gt-complex-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

This is mainly due to ComplexFeatureConstants in gt-complex... I'd move it
in the util module.

     13  file:/mp/gt-app-schema-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      7  file:/mp/gt-complex-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

Don't know what to do about this one

     15  file:/mp/gt-app-schema-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      4  file:/mp/gt-complex-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

Due to a lone XPathUtil in gt-app-schema, seems movable to gt-complex

     12  file:/mp/gt-data-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      1  file:/mp/gt-main-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

Due to a lone CollectionSource in gt-main... seems movable to gt-data

     14  file:/mp/gt-data-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
     19  file:/mp/gt-main-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

Ouch this one is painful, lots of classes on both sides

      7  file:/mp/gt-metadata-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      1  file:/mp/gt-referencing-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

Due to a lonely PixelTranslation in gt-referencing... needs to be
moved in another package, as it depends on other referencing classes.
I think org.geotools.geometry.

    131  file:/mp/gt-main-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      2  file:/mp/gt-render-21-SNAPSHOT.jar
      1  file:/mp/gt-style-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

gt-style only has one class (sees like an aborted split attempt, the module
was not
there before), gt-main a ton, gt-render only a couple that can be easily
moved to
gt-main or gt-style.

     48  file:/jts-core-1.16.0.jar
      1  file:/mp/gt-xsd-gml3-21-SNAPSHOT.jar

gt-xsd-gml3 has a EmptyGeometry in that package, which is used by
app-schema only,
as far as I can tell. The class has no copyright header and no javadocs,
has been there
for a long time. I'd move it to org.geotools.geometry.jts

      1  file:/spatialite-jdbc-3.7.2-2.4.jar
     28  file:/sqlite-jdbc-3.23.1.jar

Eh, there is not much that can be done, the spatialite-jdbc jar is sort of
a fork of sqlitejdbc
but with the native libs of spatialite inside. The module is really old,
spatialite has moved
forward and what we have is quite outdated, even if still building.
The module needs a new maintainer... should we drop it down to unsupported
and out of the build?
(personally I'm already maintaining way too many modules, cannot take any
more unless I can
look after them during working hours).

Anyhow, I'll start looking at a few of the above, and create entries in the
spreadsheed for them,
if you want to join or follow up hop on gitter and/or check the spreadsheet



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