On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 11:14 PM Jody Garnett <jody.garn...@gmail.com>

> - The idea has also come up (with restriction Apache projects have in
> using LGPL) to relicense the library. I think the vast majority of the code
> base is covered under our code contribution agreement, and could just be
> relicensed. There will be a subset of LGPL code included from other
> projects to consider ...

I will not oppose this change, but mind, make sure that you're going to get
more benefit out of the switch than the damage it might cause.
Limited to my spare time activities, I have less interest in contributing
to a project that has a watered down "open source" licence
rather than a proper "free software" licence. During working hours I'll be
glad to keep on contributing to the project, during off hours
I'll have a preference to look elsewhere (even concentrating more on
GeoServer I'll end up doing changes in GeoTools as well, that's
I might be the only one with this preference.... or not, you might want to
check :-)



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