GeoTools / GeoServer PMC meeting - 2020-05-12Attending

Torben Barsballe

Andrea Aime

Jukka Rahkonen

Jody Garnett

Actions from last meeting


   Action: (done) Give Fernado a login to the GeoServerO twitter

   Action: Announced 2.17 on email lists


   Action: Update 2.17 blog post to thank those who tested RC



   Jenkins Migration

   CITE tests update

   2.16.3 release

   2.17.1 release

   org.json licensing issue for gwc

   Chit chat



   Andrea: setup mail password to enable build failure notifications

   (done) disable appschema online test for now

   Torben: get credentials for build server to publish geoserver docs from

   Action: Start email thread on the geowebcache devel list about org.json

Jenkins Migration

More or less complete:


   GeoTools - green

   GeoWebCache - green



      app-schema failure

         Using a deprecated feature of postgis, needs to be looked at

         Action: (done) disable appschema online test for now

testNoPrimaryKey(org.geoserver.test.onlineTest.WfsOnlinePostgisTest)  Time
elapsed: 0.666 s  <<< ERROR!

org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: tables declared WITH OIDS are not

Perhaps the database server has WITH OIDS as default?


      Docs not being pushed due security difference?

         Action: Torben to get credential from Tom

Q: Long term home for docs?


   static webserver, ask osgeo?

      moderate amount of space (due to prior builds) 2-10 GBs

         Can cut back on archived releases if needed < 1GB

      ask via trac?

      Mapserver docs hosted by OSGeo

      Action: Jody to request via trac

Q: Blog?


   Ask Ian :)

Q: Build notifications?


   Action: Andrea: to enable SMTP email

Q: Domain transfer


   Waiting on tom for 2 months, most recent comment last week

CITE tests update

OSGeo docker repo is available, other projects are using it (postgis, geos,




   Waiting on new build server

   Done by end next week

2.16.3 release



   Was held up by build server

   Option to skip this release?

2.17.1 release

Jody will work on this next week


   Action: Email the list for last moment changes

   Aside: vector tile fix yesterday

org.json licensing issue for gwc

Noticed during migration to apache commons 3 → 4



   Many projects migrating (to avoid GPL incompatibility)

   Debian also banned: due to evil license
   <> :)



   json-simple - dead

   jackson - we use it already (entertaining discussion on discussion)

   gson - popular but we do not use

Used by:


   gwc-rest module:

      8 references in the module

      Code is odd with use of xstream, json, …


   Action: Start email thread on the geowebcache devel list

Chit chat


   GSIP-190 <>

      gsip proposal done, but docs not visible because of build server

   GSIP-191 <>

      Fernando Mino to split into GeoServer / GeoTools proposal

      Q: Andrea how disrupted would dynamically generating symbolizers
      feature by feature be on the StreamingRenderer codebase?
      Q: Possibly almost nothing

         optimizations are done one level up before process symbolizers

         Some limitations on accessing attributes

         Tiling effects

         See email discussion, …

   GeoCat bridge is looking at mbstyle (finally) and may have some
   questions in the days/weeks ahead

      Tips: assumptions in mbstyle code, or mbstyle changed over time, …
      Recommend maputnik:

         Examples from openmaptiles, and explore as examples

         + and - switch to exact zoom levels

         discussion on pbf fonts

         Demo: handling of symbol layer (text and icon) being managed


            duplicate labels client side, from polygons split across

            How about generating out points for the polygons?

            vendor option to not cut polygons?

         JTS OverlayNG ← on a fork may be fun to try out for Martin

         Also function PolygonLabelFunction not quite ready for use yet

   Subscription request spam in the security mailing list
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