Dear Hans,
Find listed below some replies to your questions:

   - Tests: when running online tests geotools makes usage of a property
   file with connection params to a mongodb instance that should be present in
   your a directory ".geotools" in your user directory. If the directory with
   the .properties is not present then geotools will create it along with an
   example .properties file to fill with proper connection parameters in order
   to run the tests. I would avoid then the change you proposed and try to run
   the tests with the properties file correctly configured.
   - You could even test the splitting logic avoiding online test: make the
   splitting class instead of anonymous a package default class and then
   execute test on the visit methods by using a FilterFactory
   create the various visatable filters that you want to test.
   - The JsonSelect function is supposed to be used for an integration of
   AppSchema with MongoDB doesn't have a real usage in normal CQL use cases.
   However the filter you provide to the compiler seems fine thus if you are
   receiving exception might be a bug. Try to use XCQL.toFilter or
   ECQL.toFilter methods and see if you reproduce it. The CQL compiler is more
   strict on the filters types and might be the reason of the compilation
   - I would not delete the  MongoFilterSplitter class. Although it's
   behaviour is faulty in the visiting of Binary ops and Like filters it is
   extended and overrided in GeoServer and its deletion will cause issues.
   Instead you might do you code changes to that one instead of to the
   anonymous  class in the MongoFeatureSource and use it as a base to be
   extended for it.
   - Regarding the Temporal operator test with Before: I think it don't
   have much sense to test it in the splitting process as it is currently not
   supported by the plugin. The FilterToMongo class will indeed throw an
   exception if found. The currently supported time filters are in the
form *dateTimeProp
   >= '2021-06-01T09:42:47.000+02:00' *using the comparison operators <>=.
   - Regarding  the way to open pull requests: usually a pull request
   should have a single focus on a bug or a functionality. So if all of your
   modifications are for the faulty splitting logic I guess you can just open
   one pr.


Marco Volpini

GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!

Visit for more information.

Marco Volpini

Software Engineer

GeoSolutions Group
phone: +39 0584 962313

fax:     +39 0584 1660272


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On Fri, Jul 8, 2022 at 1:35 PM Hans Yperman <> wrote:

> Hi Marco,
> Thanks for your quick reaction,
> In this mail I’ll concentrate on the Filtering issue, as it is the most
> blocking for us.  The schemaless plugin is interesting and I’ll check it
> out. Fixing the filtering bug causes the dates to partially work.  So I’ll
> see what happens after the core bug is fixed.
> I’ve investigated the code wednesday evening, and this is what I came up
> with:
> A lot of the unit tests simply don’t run when no database is attached.  In
> fact, I see a lot of tests without @Test annotation, so maybe they’re from
> the Junit 3 era and never work anymore.  If you have an easy way to run
> them, e.g. on a geoserver build machine,  I’d be interested
> Because of this, I tried to create junit tests that does not require
> mongodb.     To make this possible, I had to make 2 dirty changes in the
> src/main/java code:
>    1. In MongoDataStore, declare the method isMongoVersionLessThan2_6
>    protected instead of private
>    2. Add a class MongoSchemaMemoryStore, comparable to
>    MongoSchemaFileStore, backed by a ConcurrentHashMap.  The MongoDB
>    schemaless plugin might have made this obsolete.
> I’d like your idea about both dirty changes.
> At this point, the problematic cases become testable.  I created some
> infra and a checkSplitter method that checks if the splitter creates the
> correct output:
> public class FilterSplitterTest {
>     private MongoFeatureSource source;
>     @Before
>     public void setup() {
>         MongoDataStore ds =
>                 new MongoDataStore("mongodb://dummy/dum", "mem:") {
>                     @Override
>                     protected boolean
> isMongoVersionLessThan2_6(MongoClientURI dataStoreClientURI) {
>                         return false;
>                     }
>                 };
>         ContentEntry entry = new ContentEntry(ds, new
> NameImpl("dummyEntry"));
>         this.source = new MongoFeatureSource(entry, null, null);
>     }
>     @Test
>     public void testProperty() throws Exception {
>         checkSplitter("a=1", "a=1", "INCLUDE");
>     }
>     @Test
>     public void testAndMongoOnly() throws Exception {
>         checkSplitter("a=1 AND b=1", "a=1 AND b=1", "INCLUDE");
>     }
>     @Test
>     public void testAndBoth() throws Exception {
>                //FIXME: CQL.toFilter(before) has wrong date format
>         checkSplitter("a=1 AND b BEFORE 1980-09-03T00:00:00", "a=1", "c
> before 1980-09-03T00:00:00");
>     }
>     @Test
>     public void testJSonSelect() throws Exception {
>                //FIXME this makes no sense, but nothing I try makes more
> sense
>         //checkSplitter("a=jsonSelect('a')", "a=1 AND b=1", "INCLUDE");
>         //FIXME need a working example of a function.
>         //CQL.toFilter("strConcat(NAME, 'suffix')"); does not work even if
> it javadoc claims it should
>     }
>     /**
>      * @param beforeSplit  The input to the splitter
>      * @param toMongo The part of the filter given to mongodb
>      * @param toPostprocess The part of the filter done by postprocessing
>      * @throws CQLException
>      */
>     private void checkSplitter(String beforeSplit, String toMongo, String
> toPostprocess)
>             throws CQLException {
>         //FIXME getCountInternal ignores the toPostprocess, is this
> correct?
>         Filter[] split = source.splitFilter(CQL.toFilter(beforeSplit));
>         Assert.assertEquals(CQL.toFilter(toMongo), split[0]);
>         Assert.assertEquals(CQL.toFilter(toPostprocess), split[1]);
>     }
> }
> These tests demonstrate some interesting point:
>    - testProperty/ testAndMongoOnly trigger the bug as they should
>    - testAndBoth does not trigger the bug.  As it happens, the AND filter
>    can paper over part of the impact if the stacks are not balanced.
>    - Bonus bug?  testAndBoth demonstrates that BeforeImpl.toString() uses
>    the default java date format and not ISO.
>    - Bonus bug? testJSonSelect: As the JSonSelect patch is the root cause
>    of all these troubles, I try to write a test that finds out if this feature
>    is not damaged by my bugfix.  Unfortunately, I found out that I can’t.
>    Every usage  I try crashes with a ClassCastException while parsing.  Even
>    the strConCat demo mentioned in the CQL Javadoc crashes.  I saw these same
>    crashes on our dev geoserver instance.  But maybe it’s just me not knowing
>    what CQL is supposed to do.
> If you can comment on the 2 bonus bugs and the supposed way to use the
> JSonSelect function, I would be grateful.
> All of this is preparation for the real bugfix.    I agree with your
> assessment of the bug, but with some caveats:
>    - There is a class MongoFilterSplitter that duplicates the defective
>    filter, with slightly different but also faulty behaviour.  I propose to
>    delete it.
>    - MongoFeatureSource.splitFilter is the core of the bug.  Both
>    BinaryComparisonOperator and PropertyIsLike seem impacted, and as you say,
>    should defer to their parent implementation.
>    - But:  What if e.g. there is a JSonSelectFunction  but no Literal.
>    The behaviour from super.visit…() needs to be verified for this function,
>    it might not be as intended.  But I need clarification on the 2nd
>    bonus bug to write some unit tests that demonstrate correct behaviour
>    before
> If I suppose optimistically that you agree with all the above and fill in
> the 2nd bonus bug, I can provide a PR.  Do you want 1 PR containing
> everything, or would you prefer me to split it up in multiple PRs for ease
> of code review?
> Hans
> *From:* Marco Volpini <>
> *Sent:* vrijdag 8 juli 2022 9:14
> *To:* Hans Yperman <>
> *Cc:*
> *Subject:* Re: [Geotools-devel] geotools mongodb bugs in filtering
> Dear Hans,
> all improvements and bug fixes are welcome on both GeoTools and GeoServer.
> You can either provide the bug fix/improvement by yourself by opening a
> pull request on the GeoServer or Geotools repo, either by having someone
> else doing it for you (see the commercial support  page
> <>).
> In terms of help that can be provided to fix the issues that you have
> found, I can give you some code pointers (see below) and review the pull
> requests once they are opened.
> Please see my replies below to your points:
> ·        MongoDB is schemaless, but it seems geoserver needs 2 schema 
> definitions: 1 defining the attributes for layers, a 2nd specific for mongodb 
> cached on disk and invisible if you don't know about its existence.  If an 
> attribute is added to mongodb, we'll need to delete/adapt the second, and 
> restart the geoserver.
> This is due the fact that GeoTools and GeoServer are schema driven based
> on the gml standard that always needs a schema upfront in order to properly
> handle the data. Moreover the gt mongodb data store manages SimpleFeatures.
> Simple Feature specs doesn't allow nested objects and arrays to be encoded.
> The addition internal JSON schema is indeed also used to flattenize any
> nested structure to make it SimpleFeature compatible. However if you are
> interested in serving feature only as WFS GeoJSON and as WMS you might
> think to try the MongoDB schemaless plugin
> <>
>  that
> instead will serve mongodb document as features as they are in the db,
> without flattening properties and without the need to provide a schema
> upfront. Mind that GML output will not be available in this case.
> ·        The mongodb password needs to be hardcoded in the URL.  This means 
> geoserver can't hide/encrypt it.  It is readable for everyone who can see the 
> datastore.
> Yes currently the mongodb pwd can be only provided in the connection
> string input field in plain text, although GeoServer allows to externalize
> the connection string using environment properties
> <>.
> Feel free to improve the mongodb connection string configuration of the
> MongoDB DataStore. Here some code pointers that you might find usefull:
> MongoDataStoreFactory
> <>
> and MongoDataStore
> <>
> .
> ·        I can't get Filtering to work. e.g.  I add cql_filter=datatype%3D'C' 
> which adds a filter on an attribute datatype='C'.   Depending on the 
> attribute, I get the whole mongodb collection or nothing.  I debugged it to a 
> function splitFilter that basically just throws my filter away.  Issue 
> GEOT-5911 has the same conclusions as I have and a partial fix, but it seems 
> dead.
> This indeed is a bug. I've reproduced it with the mongo db data store (while 
> on the mongodb schemaless plugin the same filter works fine). I gave just a 
> quick look so I'm not 100% sure but to fix it I believe that at the end of 
> this visit method in the PostPreFilter Splitter 
> <>
>  in an else statement a call to the superclass visit(BinaryComparisonOperator 
> filter) should be added.
> ·         I have the impression filtering on dates/times is either not 
> implemented (throw new UnsupportedOperationException() ) or done by geoserver 
> instead of mongo (costing me the mongodb indexes).  Can't test this because 
> of the issue above so I might be wrong here.
> Currently you can filter by dates/times only if the date time value is stored 
> as a string in ISO format on MongoDB. In a cql filter then you can specify a 
> time filter using >,<,>=,<= operators like in the following example: 
> cql_filter= mydateproperty >'2021-03-15T09:54:59.000Z'. MongoDB Date type is 
> not currently supported as it is not supported the translation of cql 
> temporal operators to mongodb filters.
> Regards,
> Marco Volpini
> ==
> GeoServer Professional Services from the experts!
> Visit for more information.
> ==
> Marco Volpini
> Software Engineer
> GeoSolutions Group
> phone: +39 0584 962313
> fax:     +39 0584 1660272
> -------------------------------------------------------
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> notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail.
> On Thu, Jul 7, 2022 at 5:04 PM Hans Yperman <> wrote:
> Hello everybody, and especially Marco Volpini ,
> We are testing the geoserver/geotools/mongodb combination.  We have a
> number of filtering defects that block us from continuing our tests.
> There are a few issues open for this, e.g., GEOT-5911 GEOT-6570 GEOT-6348
> GEOT-6810 .   We debugged the underlying cause, and we think we have enough
> knowledge to fix this bug.
> We want to know your position as maintainer:
> * Do we agree that there is a problem related to filtering worth fixing.
> * Can you provide necessary help(e.g., guidance)  to fix this, if
> resources available.
> * Are you willing to accept a pull request , after aligning with your
> coding standards?
> Unfortunately, we already sent 2 messages to the geoserver and geotools
> user list and did not receive any reaction on either.
> See:
> Kind regards,
> Hans
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