Dear Niels,
thanks for your point. I think that the block can indeed be removed. I
don't remember why I've added that but I did some tests and saw that
actually the if statement will evaluate always to false on a property name
since the namespace support  is null in the AttributeExpressionImpl object
at that point. Moreover the JoiningJdbcFeatureSource does checks on its own
to determine if the filter is over nested attributes or not.


Marco Volpini

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GeoSolutions Group
phone: +39 0584 962313

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On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 10:19 AM Niels Charlier <> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I found a bug in app-schema that was recently introduced by
>, a patch by Marco
> Volpini, but I am a bit confused about the changes and would like to
> know to what extent they are intentional. Bug logged at:
> The problem is situated here:
> It seems that the true block of the if statement does not unroll the
> filter. But I am not sure if that could ever make sense or if this was
> somehow intentional. The changes are only tested by an online
> integration test on the geoserver side (GetFeatureNumberMatchedGMLTest).
> The only test method that actually goes inside the true block of the if
> statement is a test without a filter, so this is actually not being tested.
> The problem occurs with an id filter rather than a property name filter.
> In this case the check does return true and since the filter is not
> unrolled it cannot work. What should actually happen here? Shouldn't I
> simply remove this if-statement and always unroll the filter?
> Kind Regards
> Niels
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