Jody, yes I read the contribution policy, no questions.

Andrea, I guess they say "Code Page" because that's the terminology used in early times in the context of dBASE, originally developed for the CP/M operating system. Traditionally, the dbf-File contains a special byte indicating one of a few available Code Pages.

Now, surprise surprise, I found that the proposed feature already has been implemented. After setting

   System.setProperty(ShapefileDataStoreFactory.ENABLE_CPG_SWITCH, true);

and leaving param DBFCHARSET unset, the charset is read from the *.cpg-file if present.

But I have more wishes. The next one is: Some data providers provide gzipped shapefiles (*.shp.gz/*.shx.gz/*.dbf.gz/*.prj.gz instead of the normal *.shp/*.shx/*.dbf/*.prj). One such data provider is, providing street map data. To support reading such data, 20-30 lines in 3 or so source files have to be changed/added. I would add unit tests including test-data.

What do you think?


Am 15.09.2023 um 04:56 schrieb Andrea Aime:
That sounds great, but at the same time I'm a bit confused. The ESRI specification <> claims that the file contains a "codepage <>", while Java needs a Charset <>. And yet, if I look at the cpg files I have locally, the contents are either UTF-8 or Windows-1251,
so indeed, charsets.

Can you shed some light on this?


On Thu, Sep 14, 2023 at 9:46 PM Burkhard Strauss <> wrote:

    Some providers of ESRI Shapefile data provide an additional
    containing the character set name for string-fields in the
    One such provider is HERE/NavStreets street map data.

    Currently the API-user has to specify a Charset to the
    ShapefileDataStoreFactory to ensure properly read string values. The
    application has to ask the application-user to look up the Charset in
    the *.cpg-file and copy or type the name. That's rather awkward.

    I prepared a solution which adds 15 lines to
    plus a unit-test and test-data. If a file named <my_shapefile>.cpg is
    present beside <my_shapefile>.dbf and the other files, and the
    can be determined from the file without error, a possibly present
    factory parameter is ignored and overridden by the Charset found
    in the

    What do you think?


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Andrea Aime

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