Hello Simone,

Thanks for your reply and sorry for the delay in answering.

OK, I tested your solution, and it works fine in general terms. However, 
I am still getting a lot of unusual behavior when trying to reproject 
different formats in different reference systems. Some of these problems 
may be related to issues in the referencing module (which I guess Martin 
is currently cleaning up), especially when working with the SAD69 datum 
(the EPSG standard thinks you should define units in weird DMS units - 
which is usually not the case).

But first, I'd like to apologize: the sample I specified on the previous 
post was not properly georeferenced! Sorry! So, this time I tested 
things a little more systematically.

I tested resampling all images to EPSG:4326 (WGS84, geographic), using 
JAI (if possible) and not using JAI. To be able to work with SAD69, I 
needed to follow Martin's suggestion to workaround the DMS unit problem. 
Also, I needed to set Hints.FORCE_LONGITUDE_FIRST_AXIS_ORDER to true to 
get things to work (I will talk more about that in a separate post).

OK, so let's go to the tests. Everything worked fine for a GeoTIFF image 
in WGS84/UTM, but problems showed up when testing the following 3 
different sets of images:
1. URUC_UTM63_WGS84 (WGS84 datum, UTM projection) - ECW and MrSID
2. GUANABARA_UTM23_SAD69 (SAD69 datum, UTM projection) - TIFF and MrSID
3. N_GEOG_SAD69 (SAD69 datum, geographic) - ECW

I have made these samples temporarily available at: 

So, what I got was this:
- URUC_UTM63_WGS84.ecw: result was all black (!) with or without JAI
- URUC_UTM63_WGS84.sid: infinite loop with JAI, OK without JAI
- GUANABARA_UTM23_SAD69.tif: (no JAI available) OK but *really* slow
- GUANABARA_UTM23_SAD69.sid: works with JAI but result has completely 
wrong georeferencing, not enough memory without JAI
- N_GEOG_SAD69.ecw: big file - takes long but works with JAI, not enough 
memory without JAI

So, if you find time to test out these issues.. I'd really appreciate it!

Thanks a lot,

PS: the code I used was basically the following (using v 2.5-RC1) - 
please let me know if I'm doing something stupid or not recommended here:


Hints hints = new Hints();

File file = new File("D:\\data\\source.sid");
File destFile = new File("D:\\data\\dest.tif");

AbstractGridFormat gridFormat =
if (gridFormat instanceof UnknownFormat)
     throw new FactoryException("Cannot find a reader for file " + file);

GridCoverageReader reader = gridFormat.getReader(file, hints);
GridCoverage2D coverage = null;

if (gridFormat instanceof BaseGDALGridFormat)
     ParameterValue<String> tilesize = (ParameterValue<String>)

     ParameterValue<Boolean> useJaiRead = (ParameterValue<Boolean>)

     ParameterValue<Boolean> mt = (ParameterValue<Boolean>)

     coverage = (GridCoverage2D) reader.read(new GeneralParameterValue[]
                { tilesize, useJaiRead, mt });
     coverage = (GridCoverage2D) reader.read(null);

CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = CRS.decode("EPSG:4326");

GridCoverage2D coverageTransf = (GridCoverage2D)
Operations.DEFAULT.resample(coverage, targetCRS);

GeoTiffWriter writer = new GeoTiffWriter(destFile);
writer.write(coverageTransf, null);


Simone Giannecchini wrote:
> Ciao Milton,
> I downloaded and checked your image. A few annotations:
> - here is part of the gdalinfo
> This means, 3 bands, size 8k*8k at the highest res with tiling of 1024*128.
> By default the Imageio-ext gdal plugin does not use JAI ImageRead but
> tries to do a full read using the ImageReader.
> The error you are seeing is the underlying JVM running out of direct
> memory (fast native mapped heap), see here [1] for reference.
> If you want to be able to read and reproject larger raster through
> imageio-ext with low memory footprint. You can do something like this:
> 1> retiling on read to have better tile size
> 2> use JAI ImageRead instead of doing a plain read on the ImageReader
> 3> use multithreading capabilities of our ImageReader and our
> ImageReadMT operation. You can  control the number of tile through
> JAI.getDefaultInstance().getTileScheduler().setParallelism(numTile);
> With the above setting I have been able to reproject the image with
> these low footprint settings :
> -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=8M  -Xmx16M
> Ciao,
> Simone.


Milton Jonathan
Grupo GIS e Meio Ambiente
Tel: +55-21-3527-2502

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