Hello geowankers,

Hopefully you will find this of interest.

"geoweb-r" is a new email list for academic researchers who work at the 
intersection of spatial data and social media (what we call the geospatial web 
or geoweb). The list will provide a forum for critical discussion and 
announcements related to the geospatial web, "Volunteered Geographic 
Information", crowdsourced and DIY cartography, and similar topics. Obviously, 
these are the same kinds of things that geowanking talks about, just from a 
slightly different perspective. 

We intend to use this list for the usual content of academic mailing lists: 
CFPs, job postings, etc. We will also have longer form discussions as a 
complement to our bi-weekly twitter chats that occur the hashtag #geowebchat 

Here is the link to the mailing list: 


Please forward this link to anyone who might be interested.


Alan McConchie
PhD Candidate
University of British Columbia
Geowanking mailing list

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