Dear Colleagues,

I am working on a paper investigating differences in public opinion toward 
climate change across Europe, and am looking for references that provide 
information on the following:

1.  The relative salience of climate change (as indicated, e.g., by media 
coverage or activity by political actors from governments to NGOs) across 
European nations, particularly those that contrast Eastern and Western Europe.

2.  More specifically, the relative degree of "politicization" of climate 
change (the degree to which it is not only salient, but "contested") across 
European nations, again with a particular interest in Eastern vs. Western 

If any of you can share relevant literature I'd be very appreciative.  I know I 
can find some things via Google, but I figure folks on this list are aware of 
and perhaps doing the latest work along these lines.


Riley E. Dunlap
Regents Professor
Laurence L. and Georgia Ina Dresser Professor
Department of Sociology
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK  74078

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