Dear colleagues,

I am looking to assemble a panel and seeking paper abstracts from GEPED 
colleagues who might be interested in participating in the August 2015 American 
Political Science Association meeting in San Francisco.  I'd like to receive 
paper abstracts and titles (with author and co-author basics like name and 
affiliation), and will email back within a week to those who best fit the scope 
of the panel.  If anyone wants to be a discussant, we would also welcome up to 
two.  If you are interested please send your abstract to 
by Dec 1.  Graduate students are welcome, as are international participants, 
provided they can get themselves to San Francisco if our proposal is accepted.  
Two colleagues and I are working on a large N paper, but a full and rich 
discussion would seemingly require some case studies, especially if scholars 
working on the European Union, China, or India can reply.  Specialists on other 
cases also welcome.  My hope is to submit the panel to the STEP and comparative 
politics sections.  Thanks for considering and Happy Thanksgiving.

The panel as stands is as follows:

Identifying Determinants of Strong National Environmental Performance: Evidence 
from a Range of Cases

Panel Abstract:  What causes some nations to develop stronger environmental 
policies than others?  This panel seeks to offer some preliminary answers to 
this question, based on large N studies as well as a range of case studies from 
a range of nations.  While many studies have addressed the origins of national 
bargaining positions nations take in international fora, few have been 
addressed to an issue many view as one acquiring increasing importance: what 
nations are doing internally "at home" to mitigate environmental degradation 
and contribute towards the solution of local, national, and international 
environmental problems.  


Todd Eisenstadt, Professor
Department of Government

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