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Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2017 20:01:08 +0000
From: "Gartner, Scott" <ss...@psu.edu>
To: "'as...@uw.edu'" <as...@uw.edu>
Subject: assistance

Dear Professor Prakash,

The Penn State School of International Affairs is searching for two faculty positions in the environmental and energy area – one that is ethics focused (associate profess) and the other that is policy focused (open rank).

I’ve two favors to ask. First, might you know of anyone who might be interested in the positions and if possible please send the information (below) to them or send their contact
information to me?

Second, might it be possible please to distribute the information below to the APSA Environment and Technology Section?

I would be extremely grateful for your assistance with these positions.

The School of International Affairs is a terrific place to work – super resources, great students from around the world, and all the assets of Penn State available to you to work with .

Thank you again for any assistance you are able to provide.

Very Respectfully,

Scott Gartner
Dr. Scott Sigmund Gartner
Director and Professor
(814) 867-2789 (ph.)



The Penn State School of International Affairs is engaged in two job searches. I would like to encourage you to share information regarding the positions with any scholars you might know and think suitable and interested in the positions.

The first position is tenured, at the Associate Professorship level, in the Ethics of Global Development. Focus of the search will be on scholars that are interested in the intertwined roles of ethics and global development especially regarding choices made in the distribution, management, and development of renewable and nonrenewable resources (particularly Water, Food and Energy), as they relate to sustainability issues of the environment. A strong focus on the international dimensions of these questions is important.

The second position is open rank (tenure track) in International Energy and Environmental Policy. The search will focus on scholars who study environmental or energy policy,especially as it relates to global development, again with a strong international focus.

The School of International Affairs is situated in University Park on the main campus of Penn State and blends rigorous academic research and analysis with policy engagement and professional graduate training: www.sia.psu.edu.


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