Hi everyone,

I'm designing a new undergraduate course this year on environmental policy
research.  The course is centered around a semester-long project in which
students collaboratively write a policy brief for a commissioning NGO.  The
topic of the commission is distributed energy technologies and their
contribution to grid robustness.

As they work on the project, I'll be providing them with some grounding in
environmental policy, policy analysis, and the politics of policymaking.
I'm planning on using Bardach's "A Practical Guide for Policy Analysis" as
a foundation, but I'd love to get any suggestions people have for
particularly good readings in these areas.

As usual, please reply directly to me rather than to the whole list, and
I'll compile the replies and send them out.



Alexander Gard-Murray
College Fellow
Department of Government
Harvard University
Mail: 1737 Cambridge St, Cambridge, MA 02138
Web: gard-murray.com

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