HI all,

Please help spread the word. Note especially the third mentioned position which 
could also be open for GEP ED types.

(1) Tenure Track Assistant Professor or Tenured Associate Professor for 
Political Psychology at the Hochschule für Politik at the Technical University 
of Munich.

This search is for a regular-rank faculty position at the Hochschule für 
Politik (HfP), the combined Department of Political Science and School of 
Public and International Affairs, at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), 
one of Germany's leading research universities.  The position is open with 
regard to substantive focus (within the broadly conceived field of political 
psychology) and with regard to geographic focus.  We are looking above all for 
a first-rate scholar with an internationally recognized active research agenda 
and record - or strong promise - of important scholarly contributions, 
especially in the form of peer-reviewed publications that advance the research 
frontier in political psychology.  Reputation in (and contributions to) the 
discipline and the broader community will also be considered.  S/he will be 
expected to primarily teach in the Bachelor's and Master's programs of the HfP; 
s/he will also have the opportunity (and be expected) to work with and mentor 
PhD students/candidates (and later emerging scholars at the postdoctoral level).

For the official call, please visit: 

To submit your application, please email it to:  

(2) Tenure Track Assistant Professor or Tenured Associate Professor for 
Political Philosophy and/or Normative Politiical Theory at the Hochschule für 
Politik at the Technical University of Munich.

This search is for a regular-rank faculty position at the Hochschule für 
Politik (HfP), the combined Department of Political Science and School of 
Public and International Affairs, at the Technical University of Munich (TUM), 
one of Germany's leading research universities.  The position is open with 
regard to substantive focus within the broad field(s) of political philosophy, 
normative political theory and ethics.  We are looking above all for a first 
rate scholar, with an internationally recognized active research agenda and 
record of - or strong promise of - important scholarly contributions 
(especially through peer-reviewed publications other scholarly output, but 
reputation in (and contributions to) the discipline and the broader community 
will also be considered).  S/he will be expected to primarily teach in the 
Bachelor's and Master's programs of the HfP; s/he will also have the 
opportunity (and be expected) to work with and mentor PhD students/candidates 
(and later emerging scholars at the postdoctoral level).

For the official call, please visit: 

To submit your application, please email it to:  

(3) TUM Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) Mößbauer Tenure Track Assistant 
Professorship for Outstanding High-Potential Early-Career Scholars

Mößbauer professorships are intended to allow TUM to recruit researchers who 
may be working on exciting and emerging topics, for which no designated 
searches exist (yet) and/or which might cut across two or more disciplines.  
While these positions are unusually open with regard to substantive focus, as 
well as disciplinary and methodological approach, applicants are expected to 
contribute to TUM in one of several broad issue areas or fields identified in 
the call for applications as the focus for the current year - and applicants 
should spell out in their applications how their research (and teaching) will 
allow them to make that contribution.  (While the positions are not ex ante 
associated with any particular discipline or department, each Mößbauer TT 
assistant professor is ultimately appointed in association with one of the TUM 
schools or departments, where s/he teaches courses at the Bachelor's, Master's 
and PhD level, possibly with outreach to the rest of the university.)

5 Mößbauer professorships are available for 2021.  We expect *at least* one of 
those five appointments to go to a scholar from the social sciences 
(conditional on the receipt of strong applications, of course).  Of the three 
substantive foci for this year, two may lend themselves to applications from 
social scientists, including politcal scientists and/or applied 
philosophy/ethics scholars (it is up to each applicant to make the case for his 
or her contribution to the focus area of his/her choice):

- prevention and health care

- social and political analysis of drivers and/or consequences of technological 

For the "prevention and health care" focus, any health policy scholar (incl. 
economists, sociologists, political scientists, public policy/administration 
scholars) is in principle eligible to apply (along with scholars from other 
fields of course), provided that his/her research speaks to prevention and 
health care.

Political and social scientists might want to take note, in particular, of the 
second focus, which in the official call is labeled "Social and Educational 
Sciences for Technology Transformations" since this focus area was added for 
2021 in recognition of the creation of the new TUM School of the Social 
Sciences, which will bring together the HfP/TUM School of Governance, the TUM 
School of Education, and TUM-MCTS.  (For now, choose "TUM School of Governance" 
from the "Corresponding TUM School/Department" dropdown menu of the online 
application.)  Here, specifically, we hope to receive compelling applications 
from scholars with a background in the social sciences with a research agenda 
involving any aspect of transformative technological change.

As the IAS call for applications says, evidence of an initial scholarly 
"breakthrough" is expected, which may include a prominent publication, a major 
grant, or other recognition that the applicant is beginnign to shaping the 
research frontier in their field.  A key criterion is having the ambition 
(backed up by indications for strong promise) for developing a novel approach 
or field and having a highly innovative research agenda.

For more information, please visit:

To submit your application, please go to:  

FOR ALL THREE POSITIONS/SEARCHES:  TUM is in many ways comparable to MIT or 
Caltech in the US or ETH Zurich in Switzerland.  Given TUM's special strengths 
in engineering, the applied sciences, and medicine/health sciences, including 
its emphasis on "human-centered engineering" and "responsible research and 
innovation", both the HfP and the IAS are especially interested in scholars 
whose work contributes to (and/or who take a special interest in) understanding 
the social and political drivers and consequences of technological innovation 
and change.

The TUM uses a system for tenure and promotion similar to most major research 
universities in the United States and Canada to allow for career advancement 
within the university, conditional on rigorous external and international 
expert reviews.  All tenure track appointments 
 are eligible through that system for tenure review and promotion to tenure 
associate professor after (usually) six years.  Both positions allow for 
appointments at that level.  For the the HfP position, an initiall appointment 
at the rank of tenure associate professor is also possible for more advanced 
applicants; scholars appointed at that level are eligible for subsequent 
promotion to full professor through the TUM faculty career advancement system 
(for more information, start at 

Those who are unfamiliar with German universities might find the information 
about application materials at the bottom of this email helpful.

Note that the search for the two HfP positions and for the IAS position are 
separate searches, and I would encourage scholars whose interests and profile 
fits both positions to submit their applications to both search committees.

TUM is an equal opportunity employer. The university seeks to improve, in 
particular, the gender balance of the faculty. Applications from disabled 
persons with essentially the same qualifications will be given preference. The 
TUM Munich Dual Career Office provides support for dual career couples and 


The only official descriptions of the positions, including rules/guidelines and 
list of items required for a complete applications can be founds at the link 
above.  However, since the list of items can be a bit mystifying for applicants 
not familiar with Germanic academic customs, let me offer an annotated list 

1) Résumé, certificates, credentials
[Translation: CV + transcripts; if you have an electronic copy of your actual 
PhD degree, send it as well, especially if your graduate transcript does not 
indicate the receipt of the doctorate]

2) List of publications
[It is customary in Germany to submit a list of publications, so entitled, as a 
separate document.  You can then omit them from your CV but you don't need to.]

3) Three selected publications with a summary (max. 1,000 characters) of their 
impact on your research profile
[Send electronic copies of your 3 best/most important papers/works (published 
or not) + a short (and search committees really mean short; it's 1000 
characters, not 1000 words) statement about how they fit into your research 

4) Presentation of research strategy
[A research statement or research agenda; be sure to discuss - generally 
concisely but not just superficially - completed and ongoing research projects, 
as well as plans for the near future.  Keep an eye on the big picture and make 
sure you convey your main contributions clearly and to provide some sense how 
it all hangs together.]

5) List of courses taught
[If there are courses you would have liked or in a possible future at the TUM 
would like to teach, feel free to also list those - under a separate subheading 
but in the same document or as part of the next one:]

6) Descriptive statement on teaching strategy and philosophy
[As a separate document, a regular teaching statement; "descriptive" means 
genuinely informative]

7) Details of third-party funding
[Grants and fellowship you have received from extra-mural sources or for which 
you may have an application pending, if any.  Such grants and fellowships are 
presumably already listed on your CV; this document gives you a chance to 
(briefly) elaborate on what has been funded etc.]

8) Letters of recommendation/names and addresses of three references
[Applications for the Mößbauer position require at least one letter of 
recommendation from each applicant.  For the HfP position, letters of 
recommendation are not required to apply, but you need to specify the names and 
contact information of three possible recommenders, as a separate document.]

It is recommended to send materials in PDF format and to include your last name 
in the filename of each document you submit to ensure it will be easily 
associated with your application.  You can combine multiple documents in one 
file, but make sure each starts on a separate page. Be sure to submit all of 
the requested materials lest your application will be deemed incomplete, which 
may result in being excluded from further consideration.

Miranda Schreurs

Professor of Environment and Climate Policy
Dean of Studies, TUM School of Governance
Bavarian School of Public Policy/Hochschule für Politik München
Technical University of Munich


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