Hi all, we have a four article collection now out in South Atlantic Quarterly 
that might interest folk working on the new (western) climate movements.
Hopefully they will be particularly useful for class (the articles are 
relatively short at 4000 words each, speak to different sides of the same 
issue, and are maybe a little provocative - certainly we are trying to be 
All four articles are open access.

The collection is here (for now at least): Advance Publication | South Atlantic 
Quarterly | Duke University Press 

And the articles are:
Joost de Moor. Introduction: What Moment for Climate 
Graeme Hayes, Sherilyn MacGregor. Taking Political Time: Thinking Past the 
Emergency Timescapes of the New Climate 
Anneleen Kenis. A Race Against the Clock?: On the Paradoxes of Acting "Now" in 
the Climate 
Louise Knops. The Fear We Feel Everyday: Affective Temporalities in Fridays for 

Best wishes and solidarity to all,

Dr Graeme Hayes
Reader in Political Sociology
Head of Department of Sociology and Policy
School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Aston University, UK

Editor, Environmental Politics<http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/fenp20/current>
Consulting Editor, Social Movement 
Fellow, Centre for the Understanding of Sustainable 


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