Dear gep-ed folks,
With apologies for cross-posting, please find below details and a CfP for a 
pair of workshops we’re putting on at Leeds this July.
Best wishes

Call for Papers and expressions of interest: Exploring the Nuclear-Climate 
Nexus /Planetary Technologies in the Context of Increasing International 

School of Politics and International 
 University of Leeds, 1-2 July 2024.

This two-day event comprises two interlinked workshops:
1st July, Planetary Technologies in the Context of Increasing International 
Instability. A closing event for a UKRI-funded project on the role and 
influence of the nuclear analogy in emerging solar geoengineering politics and 
governance debates.
2nd July, Exploring the Nuclear-Climate Nexus, a workshop co-organised and 
co-funded by the POLIS Centre for Global Security 
Challenges<> and Climate Politics Research Group.

Participants may attend one or both days. If you are interested in 
participating either as a presenter or attendee, please send a 150-word 
abstract or expressions of interest and a 50-word bio to<> by 1 May 
2024. Please indicate which events you are interested in attending and to which 
workshop(s) your abstract(s) apply.

Lunch and refreshments will be provided for each day, and there is funding 
available to reimburse travel expenses (prioritizing ECRs, PGRs, and staff on 
precarious contracts). Please indicate if you would like to be considered for 
travel funding in your email.

Workshop details

1st July “Planetary technologies in the context of increasing international 
instability: emerging solar geoengineering technologies and parallels in 
nuclear politics and governance”
An increasingly urgent aspect of the international politics of climate change 
is the governance of potential large-scale climate interventions such as solar 
geoengineering, or solar radiation modification (SRM). This includes proposals 
for extensive Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), in which reflective 
aerosols are injected into the lower stratosphere to reduce solar radiation and 
cool global temperatures. SAI is gaining momentum as a potential response to 
the growing environmental consequences of climate change, but it has become 
clear over the course of research done throughout this fellowship that the 
potential political ramifications of SRM technologies, particularly SAI, have 
been underexamined. These technologies are almost always assessed in terms of 
their potential environmental benefits and harms, rather than as potential 
political tools. However, it is essential to also centre the potential 
political implications of SAI. This is because while optimal environmental use 
of SAI would require coordinated, global, and carefully calibrated deployment 
it has the potential to become an arena for competition over control between 
powerful political actors in the context of increasing international tensions.

Nuclear weapons governance has sometimes been suggested as a useful comparison 
for SRM. However, key institutions of international nuclear governance are 
unravelling, and the governance of nuclear weapons technology is centralized, 
hierarchical, and hyper-securitized despite the open, cooperative, and 
science-led governance of the technology envisioned by its developers. Recent 
moves by the US and China to begin expanding their nuclear arsenals, and 
Russia’s nuclear saber rattling in the context of the war in Ukraine make these 
goals more distant. It is likely that SRM governance will face similar 
political dynamics and challenges given already existing concerns about 
domination of SAI by the Global North and its potential to contribute to 
inter-state conflict. Also, the possibility of governing nuclear technology and 
climate change is currently predicated on the assumption of liberal 
international order informed by an understanding of state responsibility. 
However, this order is experiencing a period of disruption that has placed 
stress on extant and emerging global governance regimes and brought the 
assumption of their efficacy and viability into doubt.

The purpose of this one-day workshop is to bring together experts across a 
range of disciplines and expertise to consider the intersection of the 
political and governance parallels of these technologies with the hope of 
establishing an interdisciplinary network that continues to engage in an 
iterative process to analyze and shape the political and governance debates 
around SRM. The workshop serves as an opportunity to examine the implications 
of the erosion of nuclear arms control architecture for solar geoengineering 
governance and will function as a jumping off point for considering solar 
geoengineering as an edge point of the climate-nuclear science and politics 

2nd July “Exploring the Climate-Nuclear Nexus”
Nuclear weapons and climate change are two catastrophic global threats that 
intersect in major ways. Widespread nuclear testing in the 1950s led to the 
atmospheric spread of radioactive isotopes like carbon-14 3⁄4 a prime 
stratigraphic marker for dating the beginning of the Anthropocene, while the 
projected climate consequences of nuclear war represent a major intersection 
between climate science and nuclear politics. During the Great Acceleration of 
the 1950s, both greenhouse gas emissions and nuclear weapons grew 
exponentially. Today these interlinked histories of nuclear and climate 
politics are experienced directly by the inhabitants of Small Island States 
like the Marshall Islands: Marshall Islanders are subject to the environmental 
and health consequences of U.S. nuclear testing are also facing a future of 
climate displacement. Climate change and low-carbon energy transition will also 
alter geopolitics with consequences for global security. The role of nuclear 
power in any low-carbon future remains highly controversial but is currently 
undergoing a revival as countries like Japan and the U.S. recommit to nuclear 
and small modular reactors (SMRs) gain traction as a way to boost energy 
security. Nuclear treaties such as the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty (NPT) 
are being used as examples of potential governance models for technologies such 
as solar geoengineering and a proposed Fossil Fuel NonProliferation Treaty (FF 
NPT). Despite these major historical and contemporary intersections, there is 
relatively little academic work that explores the deep social and political 
connections between nuclear technologies and climate change.

This in-person, one-day workshop invites papers across disciplines that aim to 
investigate the interconnections between the politics of nuclear weapons, 
nuclear energy and climate change. The workshop will also explore potential for 
a journal special issue on the subject. Topics could include, but are not 
limited to, research that explores:

  *   The political/economic/cultural relations between nuclear weapons, power 
and climate.

  *   Connections between nuclear weapons, militarisation and climate 

  *   Narratives, analogies, imaginaries of nuclear and climate pasts, presents 
and futures.

  *   Questions of global governance of nuclear/climate and their links.

  *   Social/technological/material development of nuclear/climate spaces, 
communities and objects.

  *   Political and social responses to the environmental and health legacies 
of nuclear accidents, nuclear testing, and climate change.

CFP here:

Jan Selby
Professor of International Politics and Climate Change
School of Politics and International Studies
University of Leeds, Leeds LS2 9JT, UK
Tel: +44 113 343 3525

Office: 14.29 Social Sciences Building

Home page<> 
Personal website<>

Latest publications:
Divided Environments: An International Political Ecology of Climate Change, 
Water and Security (Cambridge, 2022; with Gabrielle Daoust and Clemens 
‘International/inter-carbonic relations’, International Relations (2022) 
‘Climate change and conflict’, Nature Reviews Earth and Environment (2023; with 
Cullen Hendrix, Vally Koubi, Ayesha Siddiqi and Nina von Uexkull) 

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